
Another little story on Slamonline

.. except it's just a version of what I posted here yesterday. Nonetheless,... http://slamonline.com/links/09052005/ Didn't have time to finish the zoo story today because our first shipment arrived, via air... the big one comes on friday.…

Our trip to the Beijing zoo -part One

We went to the Beijing zoo on Saturday. We had a nice time but it was pretty odd in a few ways. First, it was probably the most “Chinese” thing we’ve done here, with almost no tourists or other Westerners in sight. It was really crowded…

"I very like Slam"

To do anything official in china you need a seal or CHOP, whatever that stands for. Gov't issues it and you need to place it on everything and anything you submit. Here is the new, official SLAM CHOP. I have already suggested to the magazine…

One last katrina rant

I’m still seething and amazed about new Orleans and this whole fiasco. It didn’t immediately strike me that when Bush left the ‘ranch” last Tuesday it was not go to Washington or the Gulf but to fly to California to make another insane…
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Two new pics — Look, they’re Here Now!

One is an attempt at a self portrait with new bike. Didn't get much of the bike in there, though. The other is just the street nearby, to give some rough idea what it looks like. I will take much more, better shots soon. This photo is…
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More about school…

More about the schools. As many of you know, my sister Laura lived in London for a few years and experienced real British schools. There, her kids were deemed too young for WE kits and did gym class in their skivvies. Honestly. Here, there is…

Another NOLA katrina rant

Here’s an interesting link about how budget cuts in recent years left the levees unimproved and contributed at least somewhat to this disaster. The money had to be diverted to fight the war on terror.http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050901/pl_nm/weather_katrina_funding_dcHow…

A really good essay on New orleans

This just hit the mark to me and I thought I'd share.http://slate.msn.com/id/2125352/nav/tap2/

My TMac story, NOLA RIP and more on the kids’ school

My day spent roaming around Beijing with Tracy McGrady is recounted here:http://slamonline.com/links/08292005/I just wrote a long entry and lost it to computer whimsy, which is quite depressing. I just want to reiterate how sad I am to see the…