Duane Betts New EP, available now
Big congrats to my friend Duane Betts on the release of his debut EP Sketches of American Music. You can buy it from Amazon here, or stream it on Spotify here.
The collection features five original tunes with echoes…

Dickey Betts confirms more tour dates
Well now. Dickey Betts announced a bunch more tour dates today - and they're great news for people in NYC area, including a Beacon show. I know people in the rest of the country are going to be a little edgy until and unless some other shows…

The formation of the Allman Brothers Band
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It's March 26, 2018. Happy 49th birthday Allman Brothers Band!Let's celebrate with an excerpt from One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band detailing their…

The Allman Brothers At Fillmore East: A Brief History
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In honor of the 47th anniversary of the first night of the magical Fillmore East turn that produced the epic album. I present the following excerpt from One Way Out: The…

Betts on Looking Good
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I came across this little nugget in an old Dickey Betts interview and thought you'd enjoy.
Do you think that a big problem with the video age is that bands now have to look…

Back Where It All Begins: Allman Brothers Band, Fillmore East, 1970
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Just a reminder on this sad day of Gregg's funeral why we care so much.
Rest in Peace, brother Gregg.
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John Belushi jamming with the Allman Brothers
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John Belushi would have been 68 today. On 4/20/79, he joined the Allman Brothers onstage at the Capitol Theatre, Passaic NJ for "Hey Bartender." Check it out:

Dickey Betts on the term Southern Rock
Look what I found - an interesting overlooked tidbit from a Dickey Betts interview, circa 1998 or 99.
You didn't like being called Southern Rock. How do you feel about it now?
Mixed. It is true that we were the first band to…

Allman Brothers’ Jessica – keyboards only
I thought this was pretty cool. Dickey Betts and the Allman Brothers' classic instrumental"Jessica" - keyboards only (or emphasized). Obviously, Chuck Leavell is the star here, but pay attention to some of Gregg's organ licks and harmonies.

Allman Brothers at the Fillmore East, 3-13-71
Well, this is pretty cool. I'm not sure of the origin of the video, but it's been around a bit, originally with no audio. Serious Allman Brothers fan (and excellent British guitarist) Jules Fothergill was able to decipher what was being played…