Tag Archive for: The Expat Life

The downside of being an expat: Saying Good Bye
Going through some old files looking for something and I came across this 2007 The Expat Life column about the sadness that descends every June as dear friends move on. Just thought I'd share.
Summer is the transient time of the year…

Chinese Massage Can be Elicit and it Can be Painful
With Chinese cupping in the news thanks to the strange circular black and blue marks on Michael Phelps and other US swimmers, I thought I'd share my own experience with the procedure. My The Expat Life column from WSJ.com from almost a decade…

Why I Write
I did in an interview for the Why I Write website, and I think it came out pretty well.
It's really hard to read something like about yourself and not feel a little pompous, but it captures my method of writing, or lack thereof.