Another Gov’t Mule song debut – “Dreams and Songs”

Photo – Derek McCabe
As I’ve said, I am really excited about Gov’t Mule’s upcoming album Revolution Come, Revolution Go. I spent a lot of time with the album getting ready to interview for the next Guitar World cover story, and I can’t wait to share that with you.
I previewed the first two singles right here. Now you can hear another one, “Dreams and Songs,” below. I find this one to be very strong, emotionally honest and quite poignant, especially this week. Warren has had too many such weeks. The tune would not have been out of place in the soul-oriented Warren Haynes Band. If you listen to all three songs, their wide range will stand out.
Explains Warren in that upcoming GW cover story: “I just found myself writing in a lot of different directions and all of them seemed to work together especially when interpreted by the band and our collective personality. You never know where an album is going to head until you get into it.”