The story behind Southern Blood, Gregg Allman’s stirring farewell album
Southern Blood was released one year ago yesterday. In honor of that and in memory of Gregg Allman, here is my story on the making of Southern Blood, originally published in The Wall Street Journal. It's still quite an emotional read for…

RIP Ed King: The story behind his creation of “Sweet Home Alabama”
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RIP Ed King, the Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist who wrote the riff that kicks off "Sweet Home Alabama," one of the most enduring licks and songs in rock and roll history. He died…

10 Years Ago the Beijing Olympics started and I was in the middle of them
Wow, it's been a decade!....
I was in the middle of the Beijing Olympics in a most profound way, writing the Destination Beijing blog for NBC.com. Sadly, the material is all long gone from the site, and I only saved a small amount of…

The night the Allman Brothers shut down the Fillmore East
In honor of the 47th anniversary of the Allman Brothers Band's epic show that closed the Fillmore East down on June 27, 1971, I present the following brief excerpt from One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band.

Exclusive Premiere: “Ain’t Wastin’ Time No More” From ABB Peach Picks
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You can buy the album here.
THE ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND last week released Peach Picks: Cream of the Crop 2003, a collection of the best performances…

Happy Father’s Day. Remembering a wild Great Wall hike with my dad
Almost a decade after moving back from Beijing, I no longer think about my three and a half formative years in China on a daily basis. Repatriation is a long process and now the whole experience has been processed through my system and simply…

The story of Texas Flood on the 35th anniversary of its release
Today is the 35th anniversary of the release of Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble'sTexas Flood. To celebrate, I present the following story of the making of the album.
This was written for and originally…

Derek Trucks’ first interview as a member of the Allman Brothers – 1999
Derek Trucks made his debut with the Allman Brothers band on June 12, 1999 at Red Rocks. He had just turned 20. To honor the anniversary, I present this Guitar World Inquirer, which ran that month. I'm pretty sure it was the first interview…

RIP Gregg: Gregg Allman Come & Go Blues Story and video
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The amazing, insane totally true story of Col. Bruce Hampton’s death
A year ago today, May 1, 2017, Col. Bruce Hampton died n in the most dramatic possible fashion during his 70th birthday party concert at the fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta. I wrote the following story for the Wall Street Journal and…