Rebecca’s speech at The Michigan Daily 125th Anniversary gala
While waiting to receive a copy of the video, I've posted a written copy of Rebecca's speech from the Michigan Daily's 125th Anniversary dinner. I will post the video as soon as I have it. It was an honor to help Becky craft this speech.

Rebecca gender gap panel and article
My wife Rebecca Blumenstein moderated a gender gap talk at WSJ CEO Council in Washington last week. This was a continuation of the women's leadership conference she organzied and ran last April in Florida and which will be reprised this…

Rebecca interviews Condi Rice
When Condi Rice dropped by the WSJ today, Rebecca sat down with her for "The Big Interview." Funny, she didn't use any of my suggested questions this time.

Hometown girl does good… Chinese army hoops team does bad.
Rebecca cringed, but still I promote. This is a classic "hometown girls does good" story in yesterday's Bay City Times. She just has to get more used to some public acclaim. I am going to work with her on getting a better headshot, though.…

My wife Rebecca Blumenstein named WSJ Page One Editor
I have written about in on Facebook and Twitter and seemingly discussed this with everybody I know, but I can't allow it to go unmentioned here... I am very proud of my wife Rebecca for her new position, announced on Friday.
There's a story…

Rebecca Blumenstein – feminist icon
"There’s this feeling that women can’t do it all, and I would like to humbly submit that I disagree."
-Rebecca Blumenstein, Wall Street Journal Deputy Managing Editor
I'm sure you know this, but Rebecca is also my wife.
I stumbled…

Checking in from Aspen – Aspen Times and hiking to 13,700 feet.
The Aspen Times did a nice story on me and my reading today.
We've been in Aspen all week for a working vacation. Rebecca is finishing up an Aspen Institute fellowship and I am doing a reading at the great Explore Books today (Friday,…

Being Jewish in China and Discovering What Really Matters
When my wife and I decided to move our family from Maplewood, NJ to Beijing in 2005 we weren't really sure what it would mean for our Jewish life. We were prepared to scale it back for a few years, and to take more responsibility for keeping…

WSJ dominates the Loeb Awards
It was a great night for the WSJ at the Loeb Awards.I'm proud to say Rebecca was in the middle of several of these stories, some of which were finalists for the Pulitzer. The Loebs are the elite Biz Journalism awards.
Two awards are of special…

Rebecca and her Women’s conference
My wife Rebecca Blumenstein wrote this brief summary of the Women's Conference she organized and ran in Palm Beach last week. I mean, The Wall Street Journal Task Force for Women in the Economy.
I'm very proud.