Happy Father’s Day. Remembering a wild Great Wall hike with my dad
Almost a decade after moving back from Beijing, I no longer think about my three and a half formative years in China on a daily basis. Repatriation is a long process and now the whole experience has been processed through my system and simply…

The amazing, insane totally true story of Col. Bruce Hampton’s death
A year ago today, May 1, 2017, Col. Bruce Hampton died n in the most dramatic possible fashion during his 70th birthday party concert at the fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta. I wrote the following story for the Wall Street Journal and…

9/11 16 years later – still raw
Reposted today, as I do every year on this date. I don’t think the words will ever be any less true. Last week, the whole family visited the Flight 93 crash sight in Shanksville, PA and paid our respects. All the same feelings…

Back in China for a Woodie Alan reunion!
I am writing this on a plane to Beijing after a completely discombobulating 24 hours, which started with wonderful news and took a sharp turn toward the very sad mid-afternoon with news of Gregg Allman’s passing.
It began in the morning…

RIP Col. Bruce – A Tribute to a Friend and Genius
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Oteil Burbridge: “If you're lucky enough, you'll meet someone who will show you the impossible over and over again until one day you find yourself doing things you never thought…

John Prine: A Short Appreciation
Some reflection on why I was so profoundly moved by seeing John Prine at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center last Saturday…
I thought I was a John Prine fan. I knew all the words to his “Please Don’t Bury Me” when I was 14.…

We’re not moving to Canada. So what do we do now?
Stop talking about moving to Canada! It’s not happening and it’s insulting to the people who really are most likely to be in trouble and simply don’t have the option. Our African American brothers and sisters survived slavery, Jim Crow,…

Nicki Bluhm & the Gramblers: Into the ‘Wild’
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9-11 14 Years Later: Still Raw
Reposted as I will every year on this date. I don't think the words will ever be any less true. The following summer I visited the Flight 93 crash sight in Shanksville, PA and paid my respects. All the same feelings...
Fourteen years…

My Backstory Interview with Warren Haynes
I sat down with old friend Warren Haynes in front of about 100 people at AOL Build Studios in Manhattan for an hour-long live-streaming interview yesterday. We started off talking about his great new Americana album Ashes…