The formation of the Allman Brothers Band
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It's March 26, 2018. Happy 49th birthday Allman Brothers Band!Let's celebrate with an excerpt from One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band detailing their…

The Allman Brothers At Fillmore East: A Brief History
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In honor of the 47th anniversary of the first night of the magical Fillmore East turn that produced the epic album. I present the following excerpt from One Way Out: The…

That time Duane Allman and Thom Doucette jammed with Bobby Blue Bland
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I'm posting this on November 20, 2017, which should have been Duane Allman's 71st birthday. It boggles the mind that he died at 24 and to ponder all the years unlived, all the music…

Reason #1,287 Jaimoe is the coolest man alive… it involves Eric Clapton
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It's no secret that I think Jaimoe is the coolest, smartest, hippest cat in town. Here's one example of why. When Eric Clapton and the rest of Derek and the Dominos came to see…

Allman Brothers Band’s final show – 3 years ago
Three years ago today, the Allman Brothers Band played their final show at the Beacon Theatre. You can order a CD of the final show right here.
I covered the final shows every which way, posting on Facebook, covering immediately for Billboard,…

How Duane Allman’s three Les Pauls met each other at the Beacon in 2014
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Duane Allman had three primary Les Pauls during his time with the Allman Brothers Band. The 1957 goldtop he played on the band’s first two albums as well as most…

RIP Johnny Sandlin: An interview with one of his oldest friends.
Johnny Sandlin's death was the fourth terrible blow this year to the Allman Bothers Band community, following the losses of Butch Trucks, Col. Bruce Hampton and, of course, Gregg Allman. Sandlin was probably the least known outside…

Back Where It All Begins: Allman Brothers Band, Fillmore East, 1970
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Just a reminder on this sad day of Gregg's funeral why we care so much.
Rest in Peace, brother Gregg.
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RIP Col. Bruce – A Tribute to a Friend and Genius
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Oteil Burbridge: “If you're lucky enough, you'll meet someone who will show you the impossible over and over again until one day you find yourself doing things you never thought…

Allman Brothers Live at Fillmore 1971 – new video?
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Some 8 MM film of Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East, March '71 seems to have just popped up. I have to say that I don't know much about this or its origins, who filmed…