Exclusive Premiere: “Ain’t Wastin’ Time No More” From ABB Peach Picks
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You can buy the album here.
THE ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND last week released Peach Picks: Cream of the Crop 2003, a collection of the best performances…

Derek Trucks’ first interview as a member of the Allman Brothers – 1999
Derek Trucks made his debut with the Allman Brothers band on June 12, 1999 at Red Rocks. He had just turned 20. To honor the anniversary, I present this Guitar World Inquirer, which ran that month. I'm pretty sure it was the first interview…

RIP Gregg: Gregg Allman Come & Go Blues Story and video
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The amazing, insane totally true story of Col. Bruce Hampton’s death
A year ago today, May 1, 2017, Col. Bruce Hampton died n in the most dramatic possible fashion during his 70th birthday party concert at the fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta. I wrote the following story for the Wall Street Journal and…

Duane Betts New EP, available now
Big congrats to my friend Duane Betts on the release of his debut EP Sketches of American Music. You can buy it from Amazon here, or stream it on Spotify here.
The collection features five original tunes with echoes…

Allman Brothers Announce 4-disc set due in May
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MLK was killed 50 years ago today. Hear Gregg Allman’s moving tribute.
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Today is the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s murder. Another good opportunity to share "God Rest His Soul," Gregg Allman's beautiful tribute to Dr. King, which…

Dickey Betts confirms more tour dates
Well now. Dickey Betts announced a bunch more tour dates today - and they're great news for people in NYC area, including a Beacon show. I know people in the rest of the country are going to be a little edgy until and unless some other shows…

The formation of the Allman Brothers Band
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It's March 26, 2018. Happy 49th birthday Allman Brothers Band!Let's celebrate with an excerpt from One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band detailing their…

Eric Clapton with the Allman Brothers Band, 2009
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It's March 20. On this day in 2009, Eric Clapton played the second of two nights with the Allman Brothers Band, the emotional and musical climax of an incredible 40th anniversary…