Gregg Allman’s tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.
Every year on MLK Day I share "God Rest His Soul," Gregg Allman's beautiful tribute to Dr. King, which he wrote and recorded in 1968, shortly after the assassination.
Gregg Allman wrote this song for Dr. King but it was never on…

Marc Quinones – The Allman Brothers’ secret weapon
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Percussionist Marc Quinones may just be the most overlooked, underrated member in the Allman Brothers' storied 45-year career. He was an incredibly insightful interview and…

Chris Stapleton, “Whipping Post”
Chris Stapleton and friends do a pretty damn good "Whipping Post" on Nashville's Skyville Live, a show about which I know absolutely nothing... but need to learn more about.
"Whipping Post" from Skyville Live on Vimeo.

Gregg Allman “Come & Go Blues” Story and Video
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Warren Haynes, Don Was to take the Last Waltz 40 on the road
I was in New Orleans during Jazz Fest when Warren Haynes and bassist Don Was hosted an all-star tribute in honor of The Last Waltz’s 40th anniversary. It was a great night at the Saenger Theater. Now,…

Gregg Allman cancels City Winery shows – his band will play on
UPDATE: All of the dates through thew winter have been cancelled and most rescheduled. Get well Gregg.This was way more than just a single run of shows.
As first reported by Adam Zagoria on Zag's Blog... sad news.

Gregg Allman announces winter dates
UPDATE: All of the dates listed below have been cancelled and most rescheduled. Get well Gregg. Seeing all of these listed and realizing the scope of the cancellation is scary.
Gregg Allman has announced a winter tour. He'll have…

Duane Allman’s Three Beloved Les Pauls Reunited Onstage for the Allman Brothers’ Final Stand
Duane Allman had three primary Les Pauls during his time with the Allman Brothers Band.
The 1957 goldtop he played on the band’s first two albums as well as most of the Derek and the Dominos Layla sessions has been on display…

Two years ago today – the Allman Brothers band’s final show
Two years ago today, the Allman Brothers Band played their final show at the Beacon Theatre. You can order a CD of the final show right here.
I covered the final shows every which way, posting on Facebook, covering immediately for Billboard,…

The Guitar World Inquirer with Susan Tedeschi
I had forgotten that I interviewed Susan Tedeschi for Guitar World in 2000! Here you go.
Blues singer/guitarist Susan Tedeschi was nominated for the Best new Artist Grammy, alongside the likes of Britney Spears and Kid Rock. Her…