I won an Award
I won a First Place Award from the Society of Newspaper Columnists. It's the first award I've won (or entered, I think) since the North Jersey Business Press Association in 1989. that one was for a profile of the CEO of Bertolli Olive Oil in…
Some ink in China Daily
China Daily, the English language publication of the government here, published profiles of four or five Americans in China today as a 4th of July package -- "Happy Birthday America."I was one of them. I knew it was coming but was shocked to…
Dixieland in the Temple of Heaven
I have no further comment.
Some quick photos
In hotel in Xi An.. been a whirlwind week or so since Joan and ben, Jesse,, and my folks arrived.. not much time to write but lots to come sooner or later...
Great Wall Video
This one combines it all.. a little travelogue, a little visitors' imagery and a little Woodie Alan original music.
catching up
wow. it will be wild if this post works. i am pecking it in on my phone from a train in central China. It is 5.30 am and I'm surrounded by sleeping people, including Becky and Eli.We've been swept away with visitors...my folks, aunt Joan and…
Beijing Blues
I threw together this video to accompany a version of our song "Beijing Blues," which we cut in a studio here a few weeks ago.I actually want to redo my vocals, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with it. First time in a fairly real studio doing…
Woodie Alan backing gospel choir
There is a group of mothers of kids at our school, Dulwich College, who sing in a gospel choir, led by the school's head of the music department. I heard them perform at an art show and auction last month and thought they were really good. I…
Fourth NBC blog post — on NBA
My fourth blog posting for NBC is up and running. I am going to make you jump through an extra hoop. however. to get the link, you have to first go to Slam Online and see my post there. It has the NBC link. It involves a Chinese guy who named…
Anna End of Year Party
Anna and her class had an end of the year party and performance. She and her friend Hannah Louise were a two-headed fish. I have some video of this performance. Will try to sort it out. Afterwards, they had a water party. Two more weeks of …