If you are related to me…

.. then you have to buy a copy of the WSJ on Friday, January 19. If you are not related to me, it is entirely optional.

I Crossed the Finish Line

Well, it's been a quite a few days here. First, an annoyance -- I still can't post photos. I have two or three posts in draft form ready to go but needing photos. I have some good ones, too. I'll try to get to the bottom of it when I can. But…

Checking In

Man, I am working hard on a WSJ story that should drop on Friday. I will post details as soon as they are in stone.I actually turned to this site to give me a little release since I have been working too much.. and I can't load any photos right…

Derek Trucks interview

I am going to see Shanghai on Saturday to see Eric Clapton, heading down with some friends. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Becky can make it, as she has to go Hong Kong for three days this week for meetings. I am excited for the show because…

Busy, busy

Had a very active and fun weekend but I don't have time to fully capture it. It included..a ski trip, an Anna sleepover, a Chinese acrobatics show and a CBA hoops game (just me) last night that ended with me sitting in TGI Friday at midnight…

Interesting interview today

Well my next column Is not going to be as funny as my last one was, that’s for sure. I’ve decided to write about air pollution in Beijing and dealing with that lovely topic. I figured I better know what I was talking about so I started making…

Video, Eli school play

Hard to describe how excited he was for this and how pleased he still is.

Back to school

Kids started back to school today… always a reason to celebrate at the end of long breaks.Been a fun but long five days o so since we got back. I only hinted at the jetlag in my column really.. it's brutal.. up at midnight, up at 2, 3, 2,…

Becky and Lisa

One of the great parts of our two-day stop in San Fran was getting to see Lisa Russ and a glimpse of her and Adam and Zach's sweet little life in Oakland. She sent along this photo.

We’re back

Made it home... everyone asleep by 8:30 last night and up by 12:30 am... I am in a strange state of suspended reality or something.. and writing a column to boot. Great to see everyone we saw aqnd sorry to have missed everyone we missed during…