Eric Krasno: center of the jam universe
Last year I profiled Eric Krasno for Relix magazine. Here's the story. Amazing how much good music Eric has been in the middle of. He's paying tribute to Gregg Allman and the Allman Brothers Band with Scott Sharrard and others this week…

A review of the Fox Box
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A taste of the music on the Fox Box, with "Can't Lose What You Never Had":
I reviewed the Fox Box for Relix and am sharing here. I just saw that the full set is on…

My Gregg Allman obit for the Wall Street Journal
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I wrote the Wall Street Journal obituary for Gregg just over a month ago. I have to say that in such times, going to work is a great relief even as it is a stress. Like…

Jaimoe’s Jasssz Band going strong
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Rather unexpectedly, Jaimoe is the last of the original Allman Brothers Band members still performing regularly. Just looking at that sentence is so sad that I can't even dwell…

Don Was on Warren Haynes
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Don Was produced two tracks on Gov't Mule's Revolution Come... Revolution Go . I interviewed him about this for my Guitar World cover story, but could only use a quote…

Betts on Looking Good
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I came across this little nugget in an old Dickey Betts interview and thought you'd enjoy.
Do you think that a big problem with the video age is that bands now have to look…

Complete 2015 interview with Gregg Allman
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In 2015, I interviewed Gregg for the Wall Street Journal as he was promoting the release of his two-CD live album, Back To Macon, GA. The story caused a bit of a stir,…

Back Where It All Begins: Allman Brothers Band, Fillmore East, 1970
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Just a reminder on this sad day of Gregg's funeral why we care so much.
Rest in Peace, brother Gregg.
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RIP Gregg Allman
This is just a very sad day Really just a very hard day. Thank you for all your thoughts and notes. My personal loss is a tiny fragment of the big picture. It's a giant loss for the community, for music and, of course, for Gregg's family.

Another Gov’t Mule song debut – “Dreams and Songs”
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As I've said, I am really excited about Gov't Mule's upcoming album Revolution Come, Revolution Go. I spent a lot of time with the album getting ready to interview for…