Entries by AlanPaul

Catching up pictures: Maplewood

My brother and I bought nephew Josh a belatedbar mitzvah present –a sweet guitar. Rule one:would one of want it if he quits playing?Paul cousins in south Mtn. ReservationJacob and best friend Gabriel. The famous first toothachestarted right around now.Anna really enjoyed having a gaggle of kids younger thanher around, a new development. She is […]

Settling Back Down

I’ve been wanting to write but have been tired all week. It’s felt like my brain is encased in slushy, slow-drying cement half the time. Things have been fine here. The bedtimes and sleep-in times gradually crept up all week. Friday I actually had to wake eli up to get him ready for school, a […]

Settling Back Down

I’ve been wanting to write but have been tired all week. It’s felt like my brain is encased in slushy, slow-drying cement half the time. Things have been fine here. The bedtimes and sleep-in times gradually crept up all week. Friday I actually had to wake eli up to get him ready for school, a […]

NBA in China

A story I co-wrote for the Wall Street Journal on the NBA’s expansion in China can be read here. They are really making a strong push in to China and this is just the beginning. It’s a pretty interesting situation and watching it unfold over the next few years will be fascinating. I would guess […]

NBA in China

A story I co-wrote for the Wall Street Journal on the NBA’s expansion in China can be read here. They are really making a strong push in to China and this is just the beginning. It’s a pretty interesting situation and watching it unfold over the next few years will be fascinating. I would guess […]

Writing seminar

Has anyone ever taught a course? I am teaching a two-part seminar on writing and selling a magazine article. putting together my plan and am open to suggestions. Professor Citron?

Wrapping it Up

I am leaving tomorrow with Jacob and eli to head home to China. Anna and Becky will be here more than another week for meetings, work stuff, etc. Not really looking forward to that flight and I’m up way too late right now, but I’m at peace and ready as I can be. I had […]

Travel hassles

We’re nearing the end of this whirlwind, multi-flight trip and things have gone amazingly smoothly. so I shouldn’t complain about anything. And I’m not. Not really, anyhow. But spending a lot of times in American airports after doing so much traveling throughout China gives you pause, makes you wonder which place is a police state […]