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It’s A National Holiday All Week, so the blog will slow down big time…

Eli on his way to Super Movers camp this morning and with Super Girl, his classmate Angela.

It is National Day today, celebrating the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the whole country is on vacation all week. For us, that means kids are home with no ayis, etc. We are kicking around, going to services today and tomorrow. There are three or four extra kids here right now and everyone is happy.

Weds. morning we are heading for Guilin and Yanghuo in Southern China. It’s about a 2.5 hour flight and is supposed to be gorgeous. Here are some photos from a random site. I’m sure you can find more and better with a little searching:


Some people have advised us not to travel in China this week – many folks go to Thailand, Vietnam, etc – because of the extreme crowds, but we want to see the country and we figure if not now, when? I have a very busy week next week upon returning, starting my Chinese classes, and having to turn in my first column and my first WSJ assignment, as well as two friends of friends in town. So I may be slow to do so, but I will definitely post news of our first inner-China travel adventure.

There is also a cool email posting function that allows you to post remotely. If I ever get a free half hour with access to a computer, maybe I’ll throw something up.

In the meantime, Eli has been attending super Movers Camp at his school. It is run by Mr. Cameron, PE teacher and husband of Jacob’s Mrs. Cameron. He is a great guy, cool surfer due type and this camp is classic. They have a son, Race, in Eli’s class and he designed it for him, basically. Kids come in Super Heroes costumes or wear one of his and play games. Eli loved it so much on day one, he climbed in our bed yesterday at 6:30 and asked if it was time for Super Heroes camp yet. He also talked us into buying a spanking new SuperMan costume. You should see the gym filling up with Super Man, Batman, Power Rangers, the Incredibles, Super Girl, etc. Not to mention the Chinese kids in bizarre getups. One kid looked like he was Super stewardess. I’ll try to get a pic of this today or tomorrow. It I supposed to be for kids 4-6, but there a couple of older kids yesterday and Jacob asked Mr . Wyatt if he could come and be a bad guy. He said yes and so he is over there right now dressed as a ghoul.

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