Surprise, Surprise…
Well, I certainly did not think that a trip to PNC Park was in store to me on this journey but that’s where I found myself this afternoon. The Pirates were playing the dodgers in a day game and Dixie suddenly said this morning, “Hey let’s…
Update from Pittsburgh
Long story short: everything is going well and I am now in Pittsburgh on this through-the-looking-glass trip. Always nice to be here. i will try to get around town and take some pictures tomorrow. Dixie is a little tired and doesn't have much…
Checking in from New York…
I am sitting in my parents' New York hotel room/apartment right now. Dixie is resting in the bedroom now. He was discharged from the hospital today, five days after surgery. The original idea was a week to 10 days in he hospital so he is ahead…
The Sun Rise in the East, lover
I was thoroughly exhausted, whooped, drained yesterday after one hell of a week. I went to sleep right after the kids did and sawed away through the night.In the morning the sun was out and the wind was blowing leaving the sky clear blue and…
Driver’s License story
This is from today's Asian Wall Street Journal. Finally. Collision CourseIn China, Getting a Driver's LicenseIs as Scary as Getting Behind the WheelBy ALAN PAULApril 7, 2006For an open abdominal wound, such as protrusion of the small intestine…
R.I.P. Catherine Davis, 1966-2006
Dixie continues to recover well. Early reports indicate that he has yelled at least one nurse, surely a good sign.And yet… Just as I was feeling like I could exhale after weeks of months of holding my breath, I got hit by a sucker punch to…
So far, so good
Dixie had his surgery yesterday and everything went as well as possible. He is out of recovery and into a room. I actually just spoke to him on the phone and he sounded like.. himself with a dry throat. What a relief. My mom said he was in the…
Column feedback
Dixie is scheduled to be going under the knife as I write this for a 7-hour (!!) surgery. After staying pretty calm by and by after getting over the initial few days of shock, I am starting to be a nervous wreck, not quite sure what to do with…
My latest column
I can barely read this now, but I wrote it surprisingly easily. The arly feedback has been really uplifting and fairly voluminous.A Family Illness Back HomeMakes Distance Seem GreaterMarch 31, 2006I was washing my hands early one morning when…
Nation of Squirrel Hill
George Lange sent these pics along... the one of Dixie and DK was used to illustrate my column about Dixie... they wanted some baldheaded photos so I forwarded George's email.. My editor's one question was, "Is Jesse wearing a wig to cover his…