Eli letter

Eli saw a picture of himself with Miss Deanna, his teacher from last year who has moved back to Florida and said how much he missed her. He decided to wrte her a letter. Here it is.

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Eli: WOW! I can’t believe how much your writing has improved. You are writing like a second or third grade writer. Keep up the good work. I would love to receive a letter and one of your super pictures to hang on my wall.
    I’m so excited to see you at the Channukah party and on Christmas day. Get ready to help me blow out my birthday candles – I’m going to need lots of help because there will be 60 candles on the cake, plus one for good luck – so practice your blowing without spitting. 🙂 I miss you and love you. Carrie


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