Check this out. This was our wildest gig of the tour. Note the guy giving me a Cubano cigar and the Russian chick bringing us shots…The song is a mashup of a Chinese blues and “Kansas City.”
Hmmm, Dixie. I am puzzling over whether you mean you went astray in raising me, or went astray in not having cigars and chicks proffered to you at your gigs. Still unsure.
cigars and chicks! Where did i go astray? Pops
Hmmm, Dixie. I am puzzling over whether you mean you went astray in raising me, or went astray in not having cigars and chicks proffered to you at your gigs. Still unsure.
Well – I must admit when I read “chicks” my first thought was “Oh no – is this new band lingo he’s picked up?” Quick – come home!