About AlanPaul
Alan Paul is the author of the New York Times bestseller One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band and the acclaimed memoir Big in China. He is also a singer and guitarist who fronts the Big in China band and Friends of the Brothers, the premier tribute to the Allman Brothers Band.
Entries by AlanPaul
Huckabee Fever!
Apropos to nothing, except I found this hilarious. From the NY Times: On Thursday night [Huckabee] told reporters in Orlando, Fla.: “We ought to have an immediate, very clear monitoring of our borders and particularly to make sure if there’s any unusual activity of Pakistanis coming into the country.” On Friday, in Pella, Iowa, he […]
Trip going well, new column up
The trip is going well. We have zipped through time zones like time travelers and we’re all now more or less adjusted. we had a great week skiing in Colorado and are now banging around beautiful Bay City, Michigan Becky is speaking to the Pinconning Rotary Club today about her China experiences. I will eagerly […]
Trip going well, new column up
The trip is going well. We have zipped through time zones like time travelers and we’re all now more or less adjusted. we had a great week skiing in Colorado and are now banging around beautiful Bay City, Michigan Becky is speaking to the Pinconning Rotary Club today about her China experiences. I will eagerly […]
Radio Silence likely
We are leaving this afternoon, in about three hours, for our annual whirlwind, pray-our-flights-all-leave three week tour of North America. I’ll make a few updates when I have a chance to breathe, but expect lots of silence in coming days. Drop me a line with your number when you can and I’ll hope to speak […]
Pittsburgh feedback
My column about moving out of the Pittsburgh house brought a lot of old friends out of the woodwork and I had some really nice exchanges with several people in the last week. I wanted to share some of them here. Since I didn’t ask folks how they felt about it, I’ll leave names off. […]
"Can you dunk?"
Those of you who have been reading this blog from the beginning, meaning since we moved to China in August, 205, approximately 775 posts ago, may remember a little incident when we went to the giant police station get our long term Visas for the first time. I didn’t speak a word of Chinese and […]
Always Time for A Wall pic
An acquaintance just found and sent me these photos of me and Dixie on a broken down section of the Wall from their visit in October 06. I took my folks on a school-sponsored trip to the Commune at the Great Wall, a very cool place. This section of the Wall is an easy 15 […]
More Pittsburgh
Here are a couple paragraphs I cut from my last column, all stuff about Pittsburgh… it just seemed like I was going a little overboard with that angle and needed to trim it back, but it’s all true… Whole column again can be read
Super Moverz
Our friend Wyatt Cameron runs a great program here called Super Moverz. They are moving back tot he U.s. this summer and he is gearing up to launch it as a business. Check out some of his promo literature and his models- Anna and Eli both featured. I really can’t even describe how much all […]