Entries by AlanPaul


Last week’s column

Beijing Market Adds Adventure to TV Repair May 26, 2006 There’s a market right around the corner from our housing compound, less than a mile north on busy Jing Shun road and set back a bit from the street. It is widely known as the Kite Market, because of the huge, brightly covered kites that […]

Let It Rain

Let it rain. Well, I have made a big deal about the dryness and lack of rain here, and even said in my column a while back that I doubted there really was a rainy season at all. So I need to fess up – we had a lot of rain last week, including a […]

adidas camp report

The adidas camp the other day was interesting. I interviewed a bunch of people, including a 7-foot 14-year-old Chinese (supposedly – they backdate age worse than Dominican Little League teams) who shrugged and nodded to everything. I’m not sure my translator was all that on the ball, either. NBA Stars Dwight Howard and TJ Ford […]

adidas superstar camp in beijing

I am writing now from the bowels of Beijing Sports University. I am here for an adidas superstar camp with about 60 kids from Asia, mostly chinese. KC Jones is here running it, along with detlef schrempf and a few current nba players (dwight howard and TJ Ford). This place is the center of chinese […]

Big House outrage…

Art writes…Well it looks like the GAME WAS RIGGED…..again. Instead of boosters greasing the palms of kids playing roundball, it’s wealthy Alums and Developers putting the pressure onto the ever malleable Regents. But hell, isn’t it late in the 4th quarter already….and we’re down by 21…no one named Mary is in sight. College Football is […]