Happy Birthday Albert King! My interview with the blues giant
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The Allman Brothers turn 50! The story of their formation
It's March 26, 2019. Happy 50th birthday Allman Brothers Band! Let's celebrate with an excerpt from One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band detailing their formation.
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Eric Clapton with the Allman Brothers 3/19/09
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It's March 19. On this day in 2009, Eric Clapton played the first of two nights with the Allman Brothers Band, the emotional and musical climax of an incredible 40th anniversary…

A Brief History of the Allman Brothers’ At Fillmore East
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In honor of the 48th anniversary of the final night of the magical Fillmore East turn that produced the epic album. I present the following excerpt from One Way Out: The…

Celebrating Eat A Peach on its anniversary
In honor of the 47th anniversary of the release of Eat A Peach - it came out February 12, 1972 - I present the following excerpt from One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band.
This is a very partial, very abridged…

Butch Trucks gone two years today
Wow. It's been two years since we lost Butch Trucks.
Below is a verbatim repost of what I wrote the next day in a haze of sadness, confusion, anger and exhaustion. There are some edits I would normally make, but I think it best to let…

Gregg Allman’s haunting tribute to MLK
Every year on MLK Day I share "God Rest His Soul," Gregg Allman's beautiful tribute to Dr. King, which he wrote and recorded in 1968, shortly after the assassination.
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Capturing that moment when Derek got some ink
Four years ago I as honored to sit in for several of the rehearsals for the Allman Brothers band's final shows. It was incredible then and is more incredible now, on reflection. Wow. Did that happen? Even more remarkable was being…

The Allman Brothers band’s final bow – four years ago
Four years ago today, the Allman Brothers Band played their final show at the Beacon Theatre. You can order a CD of the final show right here.
I covered the final shows every which way, posting on Facebook, covering immediately for Billboard,…

9/11 17 years later – still raw
Reposted today, as I do every year on this date. I don’t think the words will ever be any less true. Last year, I took the whole family to visit the Flight 93 crash sight in Shanksville, PA and paid our respects. All the same feelings…