A nice interview on Care.com

‎From At-Home Dad to Rock Star: Alan Paul Gets Big in China. By friend, neighbor and fellow TSTI parent Wendy Sachs.

Panda Dad keeps rolling.

I've been too busy having too much fun in Pittsburgh to stay on top of Panda Dad, but it's still rolling along, with some nice stories yesterday, including a column in Wealth magazine. Christian Science Monitor weighs in. And…
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Chinese read Panda Dad – and like it.

My Panda Dad essay was translated into Chinese for the Chinese WSJ site. I was a bit worried about this, and that it would be misinterpreted as an attack on China, which it most surely is not. Happily, the verdict is quite different. As WSJ's…

1203 Posts later, how this blog helped me get a book deal

I sat at my dining room table in Maplewood, New Jersey with my wife Rebecca and our dear friends Craig Winkelman and Jane Beck. It was July, 2005, and they were there for a goodbye dinner; in a few weeks my family of five would be moving to…

Tour continues…

Big In China tour continues. Appearance page updated, with Seattle, Ann Arbor others: http://tinyurl.com/6b7nyze.Please check in. come to a reading if I am coming your way. Send the info to someone else in the area if not. 

From the Archives: Me on NBC talking about Chinese hoops

I finally found the NBC basketball clip featuring me. See below.I pop up twice, at 1:22 and 2:27. I was amazed by how many people saw this. It aired at halftime of the USA/China basketball game. I was sitting there watching the game and my email…

Nice review of Big In China

There's a really nice post about Big In China on The Book Case blog. I was happy to find this. It's hard to describe how satisfying it is to read something like this and find that the book is starting to make its way to people and they are liking…

Embrace the Chaos

Paul Family arriving in Beijing. August 2005.Lots of stuff popping…or on the verge of lots of stuff popping. It's a difficult time to sit still because there are so many things I want to reach out and grab, but I need to let things play out…

I Was a Chinese Rock Star

There's a very nice new story about me, the band and my transformation in China up on the new website, Second Act. Just click away and read.The writer, Kathy Lynch, lived in Beijing -- in fact in Beijing Riviera -- for three years. she left…

Here We Go: My Steelers Essay on WSJ.com

How watching a Playoffs game in Beijing helped put my love of the Steelers into focus. Or, why the Steelers are a lot like Chinese New Years.