Happy, how you say? Labor Day

Just another day here.. someone owes me a beer and a brat.Photo by Eli Paul


I found this through the Sports Guy Bill Simmons. Not sure if it was created as comedy, though I suspect not. But if this doesn't make you smile, seek professional help.

Catching up with summer Photos: Maplewood

Jacob gets glasses, hangs with buds Gabriel and Mathius,Eli and Jacob with the Gomberg boys proudly showing their locks, Eli with his Pain a Plates robot and Aunt Carrie, Anna with Carrie and Nat and cousin Rachel...

Catching Up On Summer Photos: Bay City, MI

Trip to Bay city and Detroit.. featuring trampoline bouncing, bean bag making, lollipop trees, hanging at the Lake with Langwald cousins and more....

First day of school photos

Finally can post some pictures... It's a long and funny story, which I will relate one of these days... It is tenuous, hooked up with a Rube Goldberg contraption that us running off one line instead of two or three. It is working well but could…

Classic Jacob letter

Jacob has still been very into writing letters on the computer using clip Art and Word Art. Usually they say something like “You are my best friend... I can’t wait to see you again... I love China…”But for the last week or so, he has…