Catching up with summer Photos: Maple Mountain

I am on my laptop at the orchard, a beautiful restuarant nearby where we are having our birthday party next week. In fact, I came by to discuss plans and brought my laptop to do some writing in the gardens. Unbenownest to me, they have wireless,…

Portrait of the artist as an aging but still sort of young man, or "Happy Birthday to Me"

I had a nice birthday last week. Did the hike on Weds., which was my real celebration. Had a regular day on Thursday, even a Chinese class. That night we all went to dinner at Kagan, a nice Japanese bbq place downtown, which the kids love. I…

Hey, where’s my post about the hike I took last week?

Did anyone ever read it? I wrote a long post about my hike. It double posted so I deleted one and just realized it is not there at all. Strange. I would repost it but I decided to write my column this week about it so you can wait two days and…

Eli lost a tooth

He yanked it out in the bathroom at school today. The big one is already half in. He is so proud. I managed to load this picture of him holding it up over my sorry ass internet connection.He still believes in the Tooth Fairy and I had to tell…

A little update

I'm still kicking and things are fine.. except my DSL is down again and I am connecting via narrowband, which has really cramped my style. I hope to have that resolved by next week and get back to more regular, picture-loaded postings. All is…

Hiking Trip — photos and story added

So the hike the other day was great. We drove a little less than two hours Northwest from here. About 45 minutes up the Badaling Expressway (north) then you get off and snake Northwest on twisty mountain roads. You come down into a beautiful…

Check this out — thanks Jesse

Nephew Eagle Eyes Jesse Paul sent me this link. Check out the puzzle and playing cards Click here.

Defending myself and more…

My mom writes:Your blog was very interesting. It sounded to me that you were extremely unfriendly to the newcomer! Dad felt that way too. YOu should make it up to him! We will call you tomorrow. Love, MOK, I need to clarify and defend myself.…

Fans, 40 and more…

Last week, we were swimming in the indoor pool and I noticed this guy staring at me a lot. Finally he came and said, “Excuse me, are you Alan Paul?’“Uh, yeah.”“Oh, wow. I’m so honored to meet you.”“Uh, thanks.”“I love your…

Last week’s column

For the record, I did include the nasty letter and they decided not to run it. I welcome hate mail!After the First Year,The Challenges ChangeSeptember 1, 2006What a difference a year makes.Last August, we stumbled off the plane in Beijing, dazed…