About AlanPaul
Alan Paul is the author of the New York Times bestseller One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band and the acclaimed memoir Big in China. He is also a singer and guitarist who fronts the Big in China band and Friends of the Brothers, the premier tribute to the Allman Brothers Band.
Entries by AlanPaul
Naxi Village video UPDATED.. Look again if you already saw
Horseback riding in Yuhu, Naxi village outside of Lijiang, China. Yunnan Province. Music by Los Lobos.
Lijiang Pictures
Okay, Here we go… there’s going to be a lot of pictures coming. this is only leg one. Shangri La to come soon. Jacob loved the ubiquitous rice noodles… about 80 cents for a huge bowl at little old town joints.Lijiang is an ancient city with beautiful rivers running through it.Old city as viewed from […]
Quickie update
Back from a great great trip. Folks left this morning and we are battling vacation hangovers to go along with mising them and wicked colds or worse (all of us except Eli, the Everready bunny of kids). I took hundreds of pictures in Lijiang and Shangri La (which is basically Tibet) and will get more […]
Leaving in the morning
We are heading out for Lijiang and Shangri La in Yunnan Province tomorrow morning. Won’t be back until Sunday so these rapid posts will slow down big time. I wrote a nice story about our hike but didn;t have time to finish it and we are being picked up at 6:45 am… didn’t get back […]
Wild Great Wall hike in Hebei Province
We went somewhere very remote and very beautiful.. Suzi and Dixie loved it after surviving their heart failure caused by the dirt road we took…. Here is what it looked like.. music by The Allman Brothers Band: “Little Martha” Full text of this journey to come soon….
Rodg "Ripper" Citron dives into the parental pool headfirst
Big Mazel Tov to Rodger Citron and Andrea Cohen on the birth(s) of their twin girls Alexa and Amelia. The two future members of Yale ’28 are lucky enough to share a birthday (Sept. 27) with Becky. Here they are pictured arriving home from the hospital. Rodg writes: “Alexa (the older sister by two minutes) […]
Dixie Doc makes his Beijing debut
My friend Matt Roberts and his Ah-Q Jazz Orchestra play every Saturday night at the Beijing CD Jazz Cafe. Last Saturday, their special guest was “Pittsburgh Dixieland trumpet player Dixie Doc.” About six friends joined us at the front table of the packed club. It went well. Dixie had to get used to standing instead […]