Entries by AlanPaul

Debuting in the Journal tomorrow

Tomorrow (Tuesday) I have my first piece in the WS Journal. It is an “Off The Beaten Track” column in the Personal Journal section about bike riding in Beijing. It is a very dense 350 words and certainly not my most poetic effort, but I am excited about it. I have so much more to […]

My first sports column

This picture of TMac on the camel never gets old to me. The mighty pepperonis. My first sports column is running in the November issue of That’s Beijing, which is an English language monthly. I am not sure what the circulation is, but it is widely read. Here is what I turned in. It is […]

Chinese studies

I had another class this morning. I am now taking it two hours on Tuesday and thursday, along with Tom Davis, a friend here in Riviera — who has a driver to take us back and forth, which is a big help. One great thing about Chinese as a language is there is no masculine/feminine […]

You don’t have to be a bleeding heart to despise…

..and fear this adminstration, which has greatly undermined our power and standing in the world, endangering us all. It’s really not about “liberal” or “conservative.” these guys put our very democracy in danger. And I truly believe that. This is from The Financial times. Click here for the full story. Cheney ‘cabal’ hijacked foreign policyBy […]

Best-dressed photos

Today was picture day. I couldn’t quite get a great posed shot of J and E, in the rush to make it to school in time after getting dressed. But they have to do it again Friday for an all-school picture. The other pciture shows that Eli is now tying his own shoes. he has […]

Interviewing Starbucks/Sonics owner Howard Schultz

Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz was here a few weeks ago and Becky met with him. He asked her a lot of quetions about moving here, how her family was adjusting, etc. She mentioned me and what I did. “Tell him they need to put Ray Allen on the cover!” Schultz exclaimed. (He also owns the […]

Great Jacob picture, plugging Rachel’s blog and more…

This classic picture of Jacob hugging good bye to our beautiful new TV was taken by cousin Danny and comes courtesy of his daughter Rachel’s blog, www.rachelcohen.blogspot.com.Giving up that TV was probably the most difficult thing for Jacob about leaving home. Having it move simply across the street only somewhat lightened the burden. Great job […]

Nega, please! More FAQs

How will you ever be able to read the road signs? For ex: if you’re going on a trip and have to get directions, don’t you have to learn the language first? Do they make a GPS that translates ?If anyone can figure out what’s out there GPS–wise and let me know, that would be […]

Apple picking and haircuts, oh my

We went apple picking yesterday, about 30 minutes north of our house. Jacob was actually invited to a birthday party in the orchard, a pretty good idea actually. As you can see, we manage to not get any particularly great photos. But it was just that kind of day; everything seemed 10 degrees off or […]