And the winner is…

Without a doubt, the winner is 11-year-old Josh Kessler, my nephew. Way to go, Josh. You officially became a man two years before your Bar Mitzvah. Now go fetch the hot peppers.

Pick up the Weekend Journal tomorrow

Becky has a front page story on China's environmental issues in tomorrow's Weekend Journal. It was an interesting writing process, expanded from a smaller story pretty late in the game. Let's just say I was lonely in the King Coil last night…

The Judge weighs in…

Uncle Benny "Here comes Da Judge" cohen steps up to the plate with this message:As we say in legal circles: Res Ipsa Loquitur (The thing speaks foritself).He definitely gets the prize for best, most creatively staged photos. I think he looks…

Just like that, it’s gone again

As mysteriously as it returned, access to blogspot has vanished again, so I can no longer see the site. I was on the site yesterday morning and yesterday evening I couldn't get on. Once again, I realized this thanks to Russ Bengsten's hoops…

Speaking of hair…

Here is a shot of me on the Kennywood Merry Go Round, circa 1975. Take that, Jesse Paul. I need to look at this whenever Jacob's raggedy 'do is driving me nuts. Mad props to DK, who took this picture, saved it all these years, scanned it and…

Hair sagas continue

The email keeps pouring in and the hair keeps falling off. Delaware Dave was next to the barber’s chair. Photo included here. His 13-year-old son Jesse did his part by trimming his Jewfro from insane to extreme. I am subject to ridicule for…

Dixie takes it off

Well, now. Dixie is not one to wait around for anything to happen, including his hair to fall out. So, inspired by DK's action and all of our chatter, he headed over to Raffaele on lower Murray, who has been cutting his hair forever, and took…

Keepin It Real

Well, you guys keep me on my toes. It’s so easy to slip into boring and easy routine here in the compound. Take the kids to school, go to the gym, work, eat, read, work, pick the kids up. Play, eat, homework, out the kids to bed, work some…

Keepin It Real

Well, you guys keep me on my toes. It’s so easy to slip into boring and easy routine here in the compound. Take the kids to school, go to the gym, work, eat, read, work, pick the kids up. Play, eat, homework, out the kids to bed, work some…

Mad props to Dixie and DK

Dixie started his chemo yesterday and all reports are it went well. I spoke to him after he got home and he sounded pretty much fine, if a little tired. Dr. David Kann shaved his head this morning in solidarity. Brother Dave says he's following…