From the Archives: Spencer Haywood

This ran in Slam about seven or eight years ago.. one of my favorite Slam interviews I've done. Spencer is a trip. He called me endlessly as we were doing this story, to clairfy or expand up on various things.Spencer Haywood’s life reads like…

More from home — baby naming

Man, you move to China and everyone forgets to invite you to big events.Apparently, cousin Danny and Alisa had a baby naming last weekend for their daughter, Julia Natalie Cohen... She looks to have the Danny/Uncle Ben love of a good snooze.…

Delaware Thanksgiving

These photos come to me courtesy of brother in law Jon "Wall Street" Kessler. He is very proud of his turkey fryer and I must say the bird I had out of this thing a couple of years back was delicious --surpassed only by my cayenne pepper concotion…

Jacob Paul, MVP

Jacob was named MVP of his Dulwich College Football Club team last week. He was really, understandably proud. He now leads his old man in MVP Awards 1-0 and has many years left to accumulate them. I was the King of Fat Lenny's Hustle Awards.They…

Happy Thanksgiving

Anna and ladies' man mathius.Charles M. and Samara, Kenyan natives.B. with Ellen and GeorgieTony and ArabellaMarcus B.Theo and Eddie YardleyKristi and AngelaMaya A. and Nathan B.Kids' table is alive and well in Beijing.Maya Alexandri delivers…

American Embassy visit

Note: these photos are not of the US Embassy but of others nearby, in the Embassy District. It gives you an idea what it looks like. These green-coated paramilitary police are all over the place.I went to the American Embassy for the first time…

Anna soccer

Dulwich started a toddler branch of the DCFC (Dulwich college Football Club) this year and Anna was the only female participant. She is a Natural Born Killa out there. Can't wait to coach her.

Very Nice

From Brian Ross' ABC News blogChina Admits Selling Prisoners' Organs November 21, 2006 10:22 AM Anna Schecter Reports: For the first time, the Chinese government has admitted selling the organs of executed prisoners…

Bo Schembecler interview

My Bo interview slightly rewritten intro I found the game on radio, listening to U-M announcers.


Well, best I can tell the game is not on here. ESPN INtl will no doubt sowing beach volleyball or swimming or something. They don't seem to have an NCAA deal.I will get up around 5 am (4 pm EST) and log onto and start hitting refresh.…