Tag Archive for: the Big House

Buy a sweet Les Paul played by Warren Haynes? You betcha!
Thanks to an arrangement between the Gibson Custom Shop, the Allman Brothers Band Museum at the Big House and Warren Haynes, a special selection of Gibson guitars is now available to the public.
Each of the nine hand-selected Les…

A very different take on “Little Martha”
I think this captures the eerie solitude and beauty of Rose Hill cemetary, which I've visited many times, and also reflects the structural sturdiness and melodic beauty of Duane's only composition. It's worth noting that Dickey Betts disputes…

Awesome interview with 15 y.o. Derek Trucks at the Big House
My old buddy E.J. Devokaitis interviewed 15-year-old Derek Trucks in Duane Allman's bedroom at the Big House for Public Access TV in 1995. The last seven minutes feature the Derek Trucks Band circa 1995. EJ posted this now in spite of some…

Duane Allman’s 57 goldtop Les Paul found
I had the pleasure of visiting the Big House Museum in Macon, GA and holding this guitar last week. Photos and story about that to come. While there, I proudly signed the displayed copy of Guitar World featuring this story.
Duane Allman’s…