About AlanPaul
Alan Paul is the author of the New York Times bestseller One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band and the acclaimed memoir Big in China. He is also a singer and guitarist who fronts the Big in China band and Friends of the Brothers, the premier tribute to the Allman Brothers Band.
Entries by AlanPaul
Checking in from Aspen – Aspen Times and hiking to 13,700 feet.
The Aspen Times did a nice story on me and my reading today. We’ve been in Aspen all week for a working vacation. Rebecca is finishing up an Aspen Institute fellowship and I am doing a reading at the great Explore Books today (Friday, August 12). Big in China and I have been getting a […]
Being Jewish in China and Discovering What Really Matters
When my wife and I decided to move our family from Maplewood, NJ to Beijing in 2005 we weren’t really sure what it would mean for our Jewish life. We were prepared to scale it back for a few years, and to take more responsibility for keeping the Jewish education of our three children, then […]
Big in China is “engaging, adventurous, bighearted” – and recommended
I woke up to a nice surprise this am when I logged onto my email and saw a Google Alert. Big In China was reviewed in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, which called the “very engaging, adventurous & bighearted.” Beijing Today also has the book listed as one of the Bookworm’s picks.
Reviews from Shanghai and Portland
City Weekend Shanghai just ran a very nice Big In China review, which hails Eli as an expat sage. “Though most people don’t move here, form bands and get China-famous, readers will resonate with the family’s myriad of emotions: excitement during a trip to Guizhou over their first Chinese New Year and empathy when they […]
Gigging – one down , one to go
I just got back from a great, two-song appearance with MoodRing at the South Orange Performing Arts Center. Great sound on a big stage, which I was happy to share with my friends in Juicebox. Thanks to those who came. Long, relaxed acoustic picking at Stony’s in S.O. on Friday night, featuring me, Dave Gomberg […]
Why summer camp is a great thing: my day as a 44-year-old camper
I recently became a camper for the first time in almost 30 years when I spent a day at Camp Coleman in Cleveland, Georgia. Technically, I was more of a counselor, since I spent 24 hours there meeting with campers to talk about travel, writing, China and music, but I felt like a kid, because […]
Expat Women Interview with me, a Man….
”One of my big takeaways of expat life is that there are a million different realities that any one person might live at any one time and all of them may be equally valid.” There’s a new, very nice interview with me all about Big In China interview on Expat Women.com. Have a read. I’m proud […]
“Beijing Blues” with Andy Aledort and the Groove Kings
From my second Big in China book release party, at Highland Place in Maplewood. I really can barely begin to describe what a pleasure it was to play several gigs with these guys. Andy is a real master. And it meant a lot to roll out my songs and have the acknowledgement that they can […]