Happy Thanksgiving

Happy turkey day to one and all. This is our first holiday over here. It is starting to feel slightly melancholy but not in any kind of really profound way. I always enjoy being in Pittsburgh for the weekend and seeing many, many old friends.…

You want pictures? You’ve got pictures.

I had a lot of requests for pictures from the restaurant and little village I wrote about the other day. Pictured here are the restaurant's exterior and the frame shop and produce stand.Also shown is the six pack of PBR, which I was very happy…

The Other China, the dauphin visits and more…

Pictured here are the lobby of the China World hotel and Becky's new purse.We took the kids to the wonderfully named FunDazzle on Saturday. It seemed like they deserved a little reward for all their good behavior and we hadn’t been there in…

Hanging in the "willage"

There is a little village right around the corner from us, probably no more than 300 yards from the back gate of the Riviera. Villages around here are not what you might think of. It’s not a bunch of little houses clustered around a town square…

Life: flu shots, driving around…

We’re all dong pretty well here and chugging along in day to day life. No great adventures. Haven’t made it out of the compound and out into the real world all that much in recent weeks. We were a little staggered by news from the homefront.…

Soccer Season is over

Last Saturday was the final soccer game for both boys. I coached both teams and I was completely fried every week by 11:30 Saturday morning. Sometimes we would go out for breakfast afterwards at Steak and eggs, this diner nearby which is quite…

Olympics mascots

Here's a photo, as requested.From The China Daily:The five Olympic mascots Beijing unveiled on Friday are Bei Bei, Jing Jing, Huan Huan, Ying Ying and Ni Ni, which, put together, translates to "Beijing welcomes you!"

Second Sports column

Sports are most intriguing when it offers up a deeper view into society at large. Such is clearly the case with one of Beijing’s two professional basketball teams, the Aoshen Olympians. Most teams in the CBA (Chinese Basketball Association)…

Interview for That’s Beijing

This is going to run in the next issue of That's Beijing, along with my second sports column, if I ever write it. It is so much more fun to write these blog entries. McGregor is an interesting guy. He actually is the dude who bought this house…

Good news

Election reuslts looked good. we neglected to vote absentee, which I am upset about. Will not happen again. But aside from Ah-nold being beaten back, this very local election is what I was happiest about. nothing makes my blood boil more than…