Take that Phil Jackson

Hey, my friend and former colleague Scoop Jackson puts Phil Jackson on blast today and I love it. Great job, Scoop. I long ago tired of that phony jerk's schtick.http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=jackson/051101

Halloween in China

Our first Halloween in China was a success. They do it up pretty big time in the compounds and the kids were able to double dip. They celebrated on Saturday at River Garden, where we used to live, and we went up there with Kathy Chen and her…

Happy Birthday Pop Pop

My dad, aka dixie doc aka Pop Pop is 70 today, 11-01-05. The kids made these signs to wish him a happy one. The fourth shortie is Eli's friend Millie. This was right after the two of them played a spirited game of "husband and wife" which included…

My WSJ story

Several people wrote in saying they tried but failed to read the column thanks to the WSJ subscriber-only policy. It's been a few days so I think it's kosher to post it. Here goes.Beijing-based journalist, Alan Paul, on his favorite way to sightsee…

Jacob lost another tooth

Jacob lost his fifth tooth the other day. I really didn’t know he actually believed in the Tooth fairy but he was very concerned with whether or not she could find him in China and whether she would deliver without a tooth to take away.…

Nervous news, hutong tours and more…

I have a lot on my mind right now, with some pretty heavy medical news from back home, which I am not quite ready to discuss publicly yet. I only mention it because it is very much on my mind and I’m having a hard time focusing on this other…

The Silver Pagodas

Last Saturday we went to the Silver Pagodas, 800-year-old Buddhist pagoda temples of some sort. This is less than an hour from our house and really beautiful. There are some great hikes allegedly leaving from behind these things, but we just…

My story in the Journal

Click here and give it a try.http://online.wsj.com/article/SB113019054899478032.html?mod=pj_travel_hs_coll_leftBut I'm not sure if they'll let you on there without a sub.Give it a try. Or better yet go out and buy the apper and turn to D5.