I am proud to feature “Revival” from Play All Night: Live at the Beacon Theater 1992, which will be released on February 18. Details below. Have a listen:

Betts and Haynes. Foto by Kirk West. All rights Reserved.
Play All Night: Live at the Beacon Theater 1992 features two discs from the band’s first extended run at the Beacon Theatre, taken from two shows, March 10 and 11, 1992. The release also features liner notes by my friend John Lynskey, editor of
Hittin The Note.
The Allman Brothers Band Live at Great Woods DVD features full performances, not interrupted by interviews.
I have had advances of both the CDs and DVD for some time and have been listening over and over. They are really, really good, serving as a big reminder of why I became so obsessed with the Allman Brothers Band during this era: They were damn good! This is peak stuff. This band had been together a couple of years and developed a deep chemistry, but it was still fresh enough that everyone was really excited and happy to be there. Pianist Johnny Neel was out, putting the guitars back alone at center stage and percussionist Marc Quinones had become a welcome member of the drumline. They had two albums worth of new material, and Betts and Allman were both in good shape. These performances also made me really miss Dickey Betts. He and Warren had a hell of a thing going on and it was at or close to full power in 1992. I heartily endorse these releases.
“The word ‘definitive’ gets tossed around so often it has lost some of its meaning, but this 400-page journey into the heart of rock and roll darkness deserves the accolade.” -Brad Tolinski, Guitar World Read Brad Tolinski’s Guitar World review of One Way Out here.
The book, CD and DVD are all available with special offers from Hittin the Note. They also have Please Be With Me, the great upcoming book by Duane’s daughter Galadrielle, new archival releases – and everything else a self-respecting Peachhead could ask for. Support these great supporters of the ABB.