Entries by AlanPaul

Woodie Alan website

I am still tweaking it and will move it over to www.woodielan.com, but here’s what I’ve got so far. As I’ve said before, it feels good to sling it around on behalf o myself instead of a monosyllabic cretin. URL Is http://web.mac.com/alanpaulgw/Site/Welcome.html

Those tainted Chinese products

I wanted to post the top of this page one story from the WSJ for few reasons. For one, Rebecca was up to 3 am Friday night/Saturday morning working on it, so I’m all for drawing some attention its way. But more importantly, I thought it was really important story. I think that Mattel backpedaled […]

Catching up with Tom Davis

Many people have asked me over the past 18 months or so if I am in touch with my friend Tom Davis, who had to leave Beijing our first year here due to the horrible illness and subsequent death of his wife Cathy. We have been in and out of touch and very much in […]

Jackson Wagner at Farm Aid

I thought this was cool and worthy of post. I’m both jealous and proud of Rick and Jackson. Friend Rick Wagner writes from Maplewood: I took Jackson to Farm Aid… we saw the Allmans, Derek Trucks Band, Warren Haynes, Neil Young and a bunch more. Had backstage passes. I was looking for but didn’t find […]

R.I.P. Shakey Jake

Jake was truly an Ann Arbor legend. Anyone who has spent any time there knows that. There used to be a fantastic mockumentry about him that ran n community access all the time. Somebody should dig that up and throw it on You Tube. Go to http://blog.mlive.com/annarbornews/2007/09/shaky_jake.html, where this story was posted and read through […]

An epic day for Woodie Alan

Saturday was an epic day in the life of Woodie Alan. We double dipped with an afternoon gig and then an evening performance. The afternoon was at an outdoor street festival on a cool, rapidly gentrifying hutong street. All the photos below are form that performance, starting with our “opening act.” He had one tooth, […]

R.I.P. Alfred Peet

Been meaning to post something on this for a while.. I grabbed this from an insane website —www.coffeegeekcom. Reading sites like this is always a good reminder that no matter how nutty I feel a subject, I am a piker compared to the real nuts. But I really can’t tell you how much enjoyment I […]

Dulwich Photo Day 2007

Nothing like some scruffy American kids in British best-dressed uniforms. Eli loves it. Those of you who knew me on Guarino Rd., imagine me riding my little green Schwinn to Davis School in this getup.