Entries by AlanPaul

Two good articles and some classic pictures

The links are long, but you can just click on them, I do believe. You have to do a free registration, but you should all be registered at the wash. post anyhow.i really can’t believe Bush won reelection. How lame does kerry seem in a bit of hindight? shockingly so to me. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/12/AR2005091201433.html And this […]

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I am now a sports columnist…

I just took a gig as sports columnist for That’s Beijing. It’s an English language monthly that seems to be quite well read by the expat community. It’s basically like Time Out for you New Yorkers except it’s monthly, not weekly. You can see it a bit at www.thatsbj.com. I met the restaurant editor at […]

Responding to comments…

Not sure how many of you are reading the posts, so I thougth I would post a cpouple wiht replies ( remember, I can not read the blog or comment directly there). the first one comes from becky’s sister beth, who is a family doc in eugene, OR. the rest speaks for itself. I returned […]

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Some pics of the house and car…

Still far from the best pictures, as we settle into our new house. But here are some long-awaited images (at least by some of you), including Mr. Dou with our Jeep Cherokee. We will get our driver’s licenses soon, which will be quite liberating,even if we don’t drive out of our little burb world, which […]

Some going away pics from home…

A lot of you have been hammering me for more pictures. We’ve been too busy to take many lately and we forgot the camera on our crazy zoo trip. I’ll be back on it, soon, But in the meantime, here’s a few from our final days in Maplewood. One from The Last Supper, at Joan […]

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To answer your questions…

This is the photo on my Chinese press pass. Glad I like it. The shot on my Riviera ID card was taken in our final, sleep-deprived 100-degree, stress-filled days at home and you can see all that in my baggy, bloodshot eyes and bewildered expression. That’s the one I have to look at every day. […]


Another little story on Slamonline

.. except it’s just a version of what I posted here yesterday. Nonetheless,… http://slamonline.com/links/09052005/ Didn’t have time to finish the zoo story today because our first shipment arrived, via air… the big one comes on friday. We unpacked and put away everything with the help of our home ayi, yoo ying. very nice lady. The […]


Our trip to the Beijing zoo -part One

We went to the Beijing zoo on Saturday. We had a nice time but it was pretty odd in a few ways. First, it was probably the most “Chinese” thing we’ve done here, with almost no tourists or other Westerners in sight. It was really crowded and just getting tickets and getting in was sort […]