Introducing my Chinese bandmates to the Allman Brothers Band
This is an excerpt of my first book, Big in China. Signed copies are available directly from me here, where you can also learn a lot more about the book. It is also available in Kindle right here or as an Audiobook…

Big in China Excerpt: The Ecstasy of the evangelist. Preaching the blues in Changsha
"What a romp. After writing about music for years, Alan Paul walked the walk, preaching the blues in China. Anyone who doubts that music is bigger than words needs to read this great tale.”
-Gregg Allman, the Allman Brothers Band

Big in China Excerpt: Into the Great Wide Open. Guizhou, China with Kids
—This post is adapted from Chapter 8 of Big In China: My Unlikely Adventures Raising A Family, Playing The Blues and Becoming A Star in China (Harper). Click here to buy. Copyright 2011 by Alan Paul.
There are countless motivations for…

Big in China = recommended reading
The ProActiveDads blog has added Big in China to its list of recommended dad books. Full review to come on Monday. Thanks, guys.

Ah, the good old days – Jet Lag division
And here's one for old time's sake. Since Big In China came out - and really since we moved to China, way back in 2005 - people have asked about the travel with the kids and how we dealt with jet lag. I even have a chapter in the book that at…

Big In China about the Book Video
It just seemed like time to repost this video.I need another push here. If you have not purchased or checked out Big in China on Amazon yet, please click on over. Thanks.

The China Daily is bullish on Big In China
"Big in China vividly conveys the open-ended, chaotic, wonder and possibility of being a foreigner in today's China. Alan Paul's evolution from expat-village 'trailing spouse' to star of the Chinese music scene stands for countless similar developments…

Jambands.com/Relix review of Big in China
Dean Budnick wrote a really nice review of Big in China in Relix, which is posted here on their Jambands.com.
I like this review a lot and think he did a really nice job of striking a balance between the music and other themes in the boo…

My "writerhead" – interview and Big in China giveaway
An interview with me on Kristin Bair O'Keeffe's new Writerhead blog - all about the creative process and how I write. Plus - if you've been too cheap to buy Big In China, we are giving away two copies there.

A banner day in Pittsburgh
The Store treated the hometown boy very nicely.
Yesterday was one of those days that I will always remember, one of the moments from this book tour that will stand out and stand the test of the time. Thank you Pittsburgh.