Lifetime Labor Of Love

There is no easy answer to the common question of how long it took to write One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band. I worked on it full-time for about 18 months after signing with St. Martins and I worked for a good six months before that putting it into the original, self-published eBook. That version was based on interviews I had already done over the years and was pretty good, but I knew there were gaps. When I began expanding it, I thought filling those holes would be a tidy process, but as I started to do interviews, I realized I had to let go of my preconceptions and see where the interviews took me. It became a much more involved process than I originally envisioned – and it made for a much better book.

I spent many hours over several trips poring through papers at the Big House Archives in Macon. I made a list of people I wanted to speak to which stretched close to 50. They were listed on a white board behind my desk and I started crossing people off one by one. I ended up speaking with most of them, some repeatedly. Harmonica player Thom Doucette and Berry Oakley’s wife Linda  – known to all  in the day as Beeg Leenda – were revelatory in their insights and inspiring in their willingness to open up. They helped me understand the band and the relationships far better. As much as anyone, Thom and Linda brought Duane Allman and Berry Oakley to life for me – and I hope I did so for you.

Some interviews led me to other people not on my list, like Jon Landau, famous for being Bruce Springsteen’s longtime manager, but also the guy who facilitated the ABB’s first Northeast gig, at the Boston Tea Party in May 1969. Tea Party Manager Don Law, Boston concert kingpin, sent me to Jon. Neither of them do interviews, but they were happy to recount their involvement with the Allman Brothers. So I kept calling and emailing people and getting great interviews: Chuck Leavell, David Goldflies, John Scher, Danny Goldberg,  Zakk Wylde, John Lyndon, Jonny Podell, Kim Payne, Rick Hall, John McEuen, Kirk West, Oteil, Marc, Derek…and on and on. All of the current band members as well as Dickey Betts also continued to lend deeper insight to earlier interviews I had done. Butch Trucks, Jaimoe and Warren Haynes were particularly available to help clarify various things. Before I began the process, I thought I knew most of what there was to know about the Allman Brothers Band, but that was hubris. No piece of writing can have real depth until the writer knows far more than he or she can put down on the paper. Getting there was a long, slow, invigorating but exhausting process.

Last March, during the annual Beacon run,  I interviewed Derek Trucks in his New York hotel room. He asked how the book was going and I told him it was taking a pound of flesh. He replied, “Any worthwhile project does.” And that was a valuable thing to remember. When things got bogged down or I was working late at night or frustrated that I felt I was doing a bad job at other aspects of my life, I would tell myself, “Any worthwhile project takes a pound of flesh, so quit complaining and get back to work.”

Backstage at the Beacon, long ago…That boy I’m holding is about to turn 16.

I was also inspired by the approach Butch told me Duane had instilled in the band: “If you’re going to have a band, why not try to be the best one out there?” If I’m devoting my life to writing a book, why not try to make it the best one out there? I expanded my scope and vision and got more ambitious. I wouldn’t honor the band and music I love unless I was willing to lay it all on the line.

The interviews included in One Way Out go back to 1990, which is the first time I did a story on the band – a story that changed the direction of my life. I was sitting around my hovel in New Port Richey, Florida, eking out stories on training attack dogs and covering high school baseball for the St. Petersburg Times, driving all over rural Pasco County to call in one paragraph stories: “James Jones struck out 8 as the Kingfish pulled out a 2-1 victory…”

I was about to give up on being a writer and go to grad school to become a teacher. Then Seven Turns came out, I was assigned to write about it for Pulse magazine and I threw myself into it like a starving man at Thanksgiving dinner.  I bought the 4-CD Dreams box set and re-engrossed myself in the music, growing ever more obsessed. The story I wrote was the best thing I had ever done by a wide margin. It led to me being hired as Guitar World Managing Editor. I never finished my grad school applications.

That wasn’t the first time that writing about the Allman Brothers altered my arc. In 8th grade Social Studies class, I had to write a biography of a great American, and I chose Duane Allman. My teacher Miss Zach returned that paper – which I sure wish I had a copy of – with an incomplete and a note to see her. I thought she was going to tell me Duane was not a suitable subject and I had to try again. But she only questioned if I really wrote it. “It’s awfully good,” she said, suspecting my high school senior brother David.

I convinced her I wrote it, and my mother backed me up. This was one of the things that made me feel like I had some talent, that maybe I really could be a writer. So the Allman Brothers are all tied up in my whole sense of who I am and what I wanted to do – and could do – in life.

Art by Wonder Graphics – W. David Powell and Flournoy Holmes

Sitting in David’s room listening to Eat a Peach, the psychedelic gatefold artwork drew me in almost as much as the music. I didn’t know what was going on there, but I was sure it was more interesting than life in Pittsburgh and I wanted a piece. I mentioned this story in an NPR interview a few years ago about my first book, Big in China, and then I got an email from the artist, W. David Powell, who happened to hear me. He couldn’t believe what he heard and I couldn’t believe I was getting a thank you message from the guy who designed the cover of Eat a Peach – a veritable holy man! We struck up an email friendship, and I have an original piece of art in that same vein from David in the end pages of the book. It was commissioned by collector Jack Weston, who shared it with me. It has special meaning to me, but you don’t need the same history to appreciate this work, which I can’t wait for you to see.

One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band is not just a book I decided to write because I needed a project, or I could get a deal. It’s the end result of a lifetime spent thinking about, talking about, listening to – and enjoying – this band. It’s been mine, but on February 18, it becomes all of yours. I hope you like it.

141 replies
  1. Mike K
    Mike K says:

    We spoke on the ABB website and met at the SiriusXM Town Hall with Gregg. This is some fine work Al…Love it…Love the ABB. Mike

  2. Danna Gay
    Danna Gay says:

    Would love to win a signed copy of this book! My favorite memory is 1974 when my Dad bought me Gregg Allman’s Laid Back album! I have loved him and the ABB every since!

  3. Lana T Davis
    Lana T Davis says:

    So many favorites!

    I comment on the time I saw ABB in Atlanta at the stadium on June 1, 1974. The show opened with Grinderswitch, followed by Marshall Tucker, then Lynyrd Skynyrd and finally the Allman Brothers Band.

    It might not have been their finest moment on stage, but it gave me hope that even after loosing Duane and Berry the rest of the band was gonna keep on keeping on! They have and I love ’em for it!

  4. Edward Jones
    Edward Jones says:

    Christmas week “91 in Macon, The Brothers Had literaly tore down that auditorium over five nights of shows. I am from Macon, was recently divorced at the time and had a buddy who was Dickeys guitar tech,Troy V. Well this was one great week, re-connect with my old friend, party like a single guy all week to the tune of Statesboro Blues. Well ,come Dec 29th, Jan 1st actually for it was the wee hrs , maybe 4:00 AM, at the hotel, My friend had wandered off, I was in the hallway and here comes Gregg, strollin down the hall, gives me a nod and into the room right in front of me – wow- thrill of a lifetime for me- This girl comes up – an old friend of mine but only a friend – I tell her and , of course she starts knockin on the door – “Please Mr Allman …Im a bit embarrassed, and tell her “come on, leave the man alone”, I need a ride home anyway, we’ve had a blast…let it go . Well I start to walk away, and I hear the door open and just catch a glimpse of her disappear into the room lol I could have walked away but heres my chance to meet my musical hero – I knock, Gregg opens the door – obviously thinking Im her husband lol – He says ” I want you to know Im armed” All I can think of is “One Way Out” and say to him “shes my ride” – I was actually just stuttering, He reached back and grabbed her and pushed her gently, back out the door into my arms and shut the door – and she knocks fire from my ass- WHAP ! LOL She and I discussed that event many times in the future – if he ever sees this, Gregory, Mr Allman, I am your biggest fan and I apologize- Edward Everett Jones- Macon

  5. Steve
    Steve says:

    I have been a fan of the Allman Brothers Band for over 40 years. Try to read everything about the band that I can get my hands on. I have read Alan’s first book on the ABB and also Big in China. Enjoyed both so I am very excited for this book to come out. One week to go…

    Thanks Alan!

  6. Cheryl Spillers
    Cheryl Spillers says:

    I have loved ABB since I was a young teenager. Too young to go to concerts but hearing the music was love for my ears, heart and soul. This music continues to be a source of good memories and feelings that can’t really describe when i hear ALL of the songs. Can’t wait to read this book and anything I can get my hands on!!!

  7. Steve Rovner
    Steve Rovner says:

    Thanks for writing this book. As a 12 year old in Buffalo, NY, I stumbled upon the Beginnings LP and it was one of the first albums I ever bought. The first time I saw them was in 1976 at War Memorial Auditorium in Buffalo. And, of course, Buffalo has a place in ABB’s history for a couple of different reasons, neither of them anything to brag about (stabbing and drugs). Here it is 44 years later and I’m still an ardent fan. (And, as I learned when I went to the Gregg Allman Tribute in ATL, we have a common friend in Max S. from NJ).

  8. Steve
    Steve says:

    Looking forward to reading this.
    Hearing At Fillmore East in 9th grade opened me up to the world of improvisational music, It also started and obsession with the greatest touring rock n roll band that got re-ignited about 5 or 10 years ago.

  9. Roger Lustermans
    Roger Lustermans says:

    Hello Alan,

    I wish you the best of luck with your forthcoming book. I’m really looking forward to the book because as a ABB fan for many years there’s always a desire to learn more about the best band since the invention of electricity. The way you have “sculpted” your book looks like the best way to learn about specific topics because everybody involved has gotten an oppurtunity to tell their side of the story. Many years have passed since certain events took place so it’s cool that everybody can shine a light on how they think things went down.

    I’m a big ABB fan for many years. I guess back in 1989 the Dreams Box set and the fantastic reunion cd (Seven Turns) and tour that followed made me a fan for life. I have been enjoying the HTW communion (as ABBDutchFan) tremendously.

    Unfortunally as an European fan it’s tough to be an ABB fan. Fortunally i was lucky enough to see them on the 4th of july 1991 in Cologne, Germany. The best concert of my life. Never made it to the Beacon in NYC but in december 2008 i flew to Asheville, NC for
    Warren Haynes Christmas Jam 2008 for 3 days of musical bliss including the Pre-Jam.
    The most exhausting but as a music fan also the most furfilling event of my life with a fantastic ABB show as the icing on the cake. Still getting goosebumps when they launched into Mountain Jam > Dazed And Confused with John Paul Jones from LZ.



  10. SteveD
    SteveD says:

    Congrats on your book! I look forward to reading it. Sooner than later, I hope to share it with my son. The Road Goes On Forever…

  11. Psy
    Psy says:

    Looking forward to reading the book and getting to one of your book signings.
    I’ve been an Allman Brothers Band fan since 1969 when I first heard the band at the age of 7. Got to see them for the first time in at The Orpheum Theater in Boston, MA in 1989, after they got back together. I was so impressed by what I heard, I decided that I would definitely go to see them again if I got the chance. Little did I realize at the time, that 25 years later I would have seen the band 39 times and be looking forward to yet another show (or 2 or 3) this year. I’m a bit sad to hear that they have decided to call it a day and go their separate ways at the end of this year, but I’m glad they decided to go out on top and I wish all of them the best.
    I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend so many of their great shows and for the wonderful memories they’ve given me over the years. It’s been a fantastic musical ride!

  12. Jim
    Jim says:

    Can’t wait to read it.

    I have had many favorite Allman Brothers Band moments but I guess hearing them lay into “Why Does Love Got to Be So Sad” the first time they played it may have been the best. They had already played “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down” for the first time earlier that night so I was truly floored when the Dominos tune started up.

    My first show was the Omni in Atlanta in 1975 and it was great but I doubted I would get another chance after that. I was thrilled to have early 80s version but knew it wouldn’t last. Then came Dreams & 7 Turns. The 90s were great, back to the roots. I figured my two shows in 2000 with Jimmy Herring would be the last. Wow THIS BAND WILL NEVER DIE. Thanks to Warren, Thanks to Derek, Thanks to ALL Band Members past & present. Thanks to you Alan Paul for writing this book!

    Did I win?

  13. Lee Morse
    Lee Morse says:

    Fell in love with Live at Fillmore East in 1976. Years later I had the thrill of getting my newest edition of Hitting The Note in 1993, but this one came with the gift of 2 back stage passes, which I used at 7/31/93 Stowe Performing Arts Center, Vermont, where Dickey was absent (first time since 1989 I think), replaced by Jimmy “Allman” Herring after some “unpleasantries” after the Saratoga, NY, show the night before. I could have used my passes at either show, but since I lived in Vermont, I figured I’d use them at Stowe. I had 12th row center tickets, taping with a set of mics borrowed from a recording engineer. After the show, I re-introduced myself to”Tour Mystic” Kirk West, having hung out at The Metronome taping a couple nights in Burlington, VT, for the Mule. That was the night I bought my “music for your ass” shirt from EJ Devokaitis when he was drum tech for Matt Abts. Kirk introduced me to Gregg, and he signed my ABB baseball hat, what used to be a Miller Brewing hat, but I replaced the patch with an ABB patch. When I met Woody, he said, “cool, a bootleg hat.” Warren was a gentleman and patient, as has been my experience back stage, as we discussed PRS guitars. Jaimoe shared a funny joke about a southern government mule, and Marc was easy to talk with, as if we knew each other already. I also had Jimmy Herring and John Popper sign the hat, having joined the band for the evening. I even caught a few good pictures of the band on stage that night. Good memories. Unfortunately Butch stayed in the bus. During the show, steam was rising off his shoulders and head in the summer night, so I guessed he was pretty gassed. Dickey, well he had more pressing issues to deal with. I still have the hat.

  14. ron g
    ron g says:

    Very cool gesture,2 thumbs up for making it possible to spread more positive vibes about the ABB.Looking forward to seeing them again on the 21-22.

  15. Jason McQueen
    Jason McQueen says:

    Can’t wait to read the book. I love learning more about the band being that I have only been following them for about 15 of their many years.

  16. PhilBNY
    PhilBNY says:

    Alan, looking forward to reading your book. First time I saw them was at the “summer jam” in upstate NY for the sound check. Stayed for both the shows and jam and all that came with that July weekend . I next saw them 20 years later… and have been seeing them every year. Still hope to get to see them one more time this year. Happy to say with either configuration of the ABB, ….Dickey and Chuck , or with Warren and Derek, they put on great shows with tremendous amount of energy.
    All the best to you and cheers on your new book,

  17. mark hawkins
    mark hawkins says:

    I’ve been a fan for about 45 years, have been to “The Big House” and all mentionable places in Macon, GA, have been to numerous ABB/Gregg Allman/Dickey Betts/ Gov’t Mule concerts, read all of the books that are currently in print about ABB, and think that this one will be the best one to read.

  18. bo barclay
    bo barclay says:

    my first show was at manley field house at syracuse university. i was hooked, live at the fillmore[ 8-track]was always in my van 8-track player.until the tape and player was stolen.the jam at the glen was my next showi hope i can catch at least one more this summer.

  19. SoulShine
    SoulShine says:

    ….Oh wait, my life does have a soundtrack and it is full of Brothers tunes!
    ….Can’t wait to Read your Book….Cover looks awesome!!!

  20. Eric T
    Eric T says:

    Can’t wait to read “One Way Out” I’ve seen the ABB a dozen or so times over the years, through their different incarnations and as solo artists, and they never failed to entertain!!! I have met Butch and Gregg and they are incredibly gracious…All gentleman!!!

  21. melissaruffell
    melissaruffell says:

    Warren Haynes actually said I was beautiful at Wanee Festival 2011!!! ABB 45 years… getting me through this thing called life.

  22. Mark Nardo
    Mark Nardo says:

    fantastic account of all the ABB’s trails and tribulations, inspired me to ask a friend [a guitar player who was friends with SRV] to do his retrospective ‘Blues by the Drop’, thanks Alan

  23. Annemarie DeCouto
    Annemarie DeCouto says:

    My very first CONCERT IN MY LIFE, , boston, 6th grade, it was WILD….Loved it. Here in Coral Springs Fl in the late 80s into the early 90s, supposed to meet Greg on 3 different occassions.
    I worked with Mike,Abbott , where greg was staying, and his brother was one of the original AB, and still playing with him….many near misses with Greg…Concert i had BS passes to got cancelled 2 wks prior due tp reasons i wont disclose


  24. B Roenigk
    B Roenigk says:

    HI, I love the ABB. I convinced three of my sisters to see ABB in Raleigh two summers ago. What a special memory! All of us loved ABB in our teenage years! The new Facebook app that creates a movie from posts, photos, etc…. picked that photo as one that most people liked. Says it all for me…Great music, family, and life…

  25. Mark Hall
    Mark Hall says:

    My favorite Allman Brothers Band moment was in the early 1970’s when they were the first concert at the newly built Capital Center in Largo Maryland. Of course it was a memorable experience since it was my first time seeing the Allman Brothers Band.. Seeing the Allman Brothers Band live is nearly a :religious experience for me. And since the building was just recently finished, the red paint on the handrails for the steps and everywhere else inside was not fully dried. That night many people went home with multiple red stripes on their cloths and red paint on their hands as well as some faces. So that was really the show that made the ABB my favorite band of all times. Plus since I collect sighed books this would be the best of many signed bools in my collection

    • Ray
      Ray says:

      The late, great Capital Center. Saw many a show there as well – never ABB, sadly. Have seen them at George Mason and other places over the years.

  26. Devona Rankin
    Devona Rankin says:

    Already pre-ordered but would love a free signed copy. First time to see ABB was in Cincinnati in 2001. Husband has been a forever fan, so while we were dating I got tix for him! Have seen them several times since.

  27. Scott Olsen
    Scott Olsen says:

    My favorite Allman Brothers Band moment…. hmmmm, tough to pick a moment, but as a fan of over 40 years, I have to say one of the greatest thrills of my life was meeting Gregg at a benefit concert here in Maine. Can’t wait to read this book. thanks.

  28. Wendy P. McMahan
    Wendy P. McMahan says:

    Never have been a fan of ABB until my ex hubby. My ex and I are deaf but that doesn’t stop us from enjoying their music. We both can hear some but not much. I feel mostly thur vibrations. I am sad to hear that they will retire this year. May God bless ABB and always eat a peach!

  29. Cynthia Elizabeth
    Cynthia Elizabeth says:

    Liked ’em for a loooooong, loooooong time!! Back in the Piedmont Park days and still just as avid an as ever! Can’t wait to read this. I enjoyed Gregg’s “My Cross to Bear” and I know I’ll enjoy this, too, probably in one sitting. There’s nothing like holding a glass of wine (or two) and holding a paper book in your hands with that new book smell. Hurry it along!! Thank you writing this, Alan!

  30. Ken Austin
    Ken Austin says:

    I would love to receive a signed copy, if not I will be purchasing a copy. I’ve been listening to the Allman Brothers since 1976. They are at the top of my list. I listen to them every day.

  31. Carla Florsheim
    Carla Florsheim says:

    Can’t wait to read this book! So many great memories of listening to and seeing ABB and The Gregg Allman Band. I guess my favorites have to be getting to speak to Gregg and get his autograph after a show at Cowboy’s in Shreveport,LA quite a few years ago and attending the All My Friends Celebration on January 10, 2014.

  32. Thomas OMalley
    Thomas OMalley says:

    The first time I heard The Allman Brothers was on a bootleg 8 track tape in a friend’s 1969 Camaro. My life was forever changed that day. I have been a diehard fan every since. Hopefully I will get to see them in action again in 2014 before Derek and Warren leave the band.

  33. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    The Allman Brothers Band has been a family tradition in the Phillips family- and when my daddy died, not only did we play my dad’s favorite song at his funeral- Soulshine- but I had the name of that song tattooed on my left thumb in his honor. My mom, dad and I saw the ABB live in Las Vegas together and it is one of my fondest memories- my dad was so happy! Lots of life lessons behind those lyrics- lots of wisdom.

  34. Tom Pragliola
    Tom Pragliola says:

    Looking forward to the book. Some many great ABB experiences, but can’t top Fillmore East with original band. Remember Duane Allman.

  35. Cheryl Spillers
    Cheryl Spillers says:

    Really looking forward to reading this book. I try to get everything I can about ABB.My first encounter with ABB was when I was barely a teenager at a high school dance. Yes I can’t believe the ABB would do that but here in Macon at Coliseum I was there due to I had a little skit in the beginning part and high school boys and girls got a concert with ABB. My parents were late picking us up and we helped roadies setup (they were nice to include us) and we got to sit on stage after until my Dad showed up. Wonderful memory.

  36. Tina Weaver
    Tina Weaver says:

    My favorite ABB moment would be my first concert when I was 14. I have been hooked ever since, I love the ABB and they have helped shape my musical interests these past 13 years. I love their festival (Wanee) it has become on of my favorites which has allowed me to make so many memories with good friends!!

  37. Allmama
    Allmama says:

    My favorite moment is a concert I had given up on going to because I was very pregnant.(and maybe a little grumpy and feeling sorry for myself?:)

    My then husband got tix for my birthday anyway. One of the best shows(my beautiful daughter’s first- seated comfortably on my bladder!) I’ve ever been to. Summer 03 Haynes…Derek.
    and my daughter. Nice.

  38. Jon Rochmis
    Jon Rochmis says:

    Can’t wait for the book. I already bought a copy but I have a friend I want to give it to, and I would love an autographed copy. My favorite Allman Brothers memory is impossible to pinpoint but I loved the interchange at the last Beacon show in 2012 (the one Gregg couldn’t make): I was sitting next to some drunken fool who was several years younger than me. He says, “You know Live at Fillmore East?” Me: “Yes.” Drunk: “You know right before they play Whipping Post and somebody shouts out ‘Whipping Post?'” Me, cringing: “Yes.” Drunk: “That was me!”

  39. Terri
    Terri says:

    My husband exposed me to THe Allman Brothers at The Beacon last year. I had always been a fan but had never seen them in person. That concert I thought was the best concert I had ever seen. It blew me away until…The Gregg Allman Tribute at The Fox this year. Truly amazing!!!

  40. Julie Johnson
    Julie Johnson says:

    Please please consider picking me for a signed copy of One Way Out. It will go nicely with my GA signed copy of his bio My Cross to Bear! Can’t wait to read this book!

  41. Matt Ruger
    Matt Ruger says:

    I can’t wait to read the book, huge ABB fan.Fillmore east is the greatest live album ever made. I have seen them at the Wanee feat 3-4 times. Wonderful stuff.

  42. Johnny Snyder
    Johnny Snyder says:

    There should be a law that says if the Allman Brothers are on the radio you don’t have to stop at stoplights or stop signs, just keep on cruising enjoying the music.

  43. Steve King
    Steve King says:

    Looking forward to reading about one of my favorite bands. I have seen them live several times since 1971 (first show with Three Dog Night and Black Oak Arkansas) and ABB is easily one of the best lives bands I have ever seen!!

  44. Christine
    Christine says:

    ABB is my band. There is no other that can make me feel the way they do. I first became a super fan in college in the early 90’s. I have so many great memories from shows at Great Woods, Jones Beach, the Beacon and seeing Gregg solo in Providence with a very young Derek opening for him. Then I moved west (not without detouring to Macon on the way to tour Rosehill Cemetary and other ABB landmarks first) and well, the ABB just don’t tour the west like they do the east. I learned this within a few weeks of settling into the PNW and was crushed. Mule tours the west a lot so that helped me get my fix but it still isn’t my ABB. My ultimate favorite memory is from a show in WA at the Puyallup State Fair in the mid 2000’s (one of only 3 shows they have performed in the PNW in the past 15 years). I was 7th row center and there was a very eclectic dancing man a few rows ahead. His dance moves were unique and attracted the attention of all the boys on stage. It was so much fun watching them nudge each other up there to check out this dancing man. The smiles were spreading across their faces and they were digging watching this man get off on their grooves. I felt like I was in on a little secret with the band.
    I also had the pleasure of catching a Gregg solo show in Portland in 2001 and was able to get an autograph. I didn’t realize it while it was happening but I had tears of pure joy running down my face and my knees were the weakest they have ever been, I could hardly use my legs to walk away. I was truly in awe.
    Most recently, I just had the opportunity to attend a little slideshow and talk on Duane hosted by Butch Trucks on Jam Cruise. Although I was supposed to be working I knew I couldn’t miss this opportunity, so I snuck away to the 15th floor to attend this talk. Listening to Butch recall memories and antics of the old days was truly special. A lot of stories I knew, but I also learned a few things. I also knew that I needed to shake his hand and thank him for all the years of music that moves my soul. I got him to sign my laminate. That was a Jam Cruise highlight for me. Now as I digest and accept that this is the final year I am making preparation to come east for my final show(s) and am really looking forward to reading this book! Thanks for gathering and compiling the stories!

  45. Michael Hoban
    Michael Hoban says:

    I love the ABB! Unfortunately, I was not alive to see Duane, and I have never actually seen ABB live. I have seen Tedeschi Trucks Band and Gov’t Mule, and I must say, they are two of the best shows I have seen. I hope to see Derek and Warren performing together sometime!

  46. Michael Hoban
    Michael Hoban says:

    My favorite memory of the Allman Brother’s Band is when I first heard the song “Blue Sky”. This song still takes me away every time it hear it.

  47. Chris Perretta
    Chris Perretta says:

    I first saw ABB in 2012 (I’m only 22, come on. I’d kill to go back in time) at Merriweather Post Pavilion with Santana! What a great show. Loved seeing Derek and Warren jamming with Santana. They are all so great and huge influences on me as a guitar player! My favorite ABB moment would be attending the Peach Music Festival summer of 2013. I got to see the Brothers two nights in a row at an amazing venue. Fantastic show(s). They even jammed with Bob Weir and his band Ratdog! Good people, good music, good vibes… felt like family! I also got to see Jaimoe’s Jasssz Band at the Peach, and have since seen Derek Trucks up close with Tedeschi Trucks Band, which was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. …and the road goes on forever!! 🙂

  48. Paul Urfi
    Paul Urfi says:

    Live in Georgia. Having the Allman Brothers (amongst other fine bands) hail from our fair state makes me so proud. I love heading down to Macon and touring the Big House. I saw my first show back in college and have been hooked ever since. Really looking forward to reading this book.

  49. Kate
    Kate says:

    It was the soundtrack of my youth…still love Statesboro Blues, Whipping Post and all the other fantastic memories I can recall. I read Gregg’s book and I want to know more

  50. Mike
    Mike says:

    One of my friends read the book and said it blew his mind……thought he knew all about the history of the band and found out he had a lot to learn!

  51. Vance Elswick
    Vance Elswick says:

    One of my favorite is from the early 70’s at a big roadhouse in Atlanta called Richards….Roy Buchanan was playing and the rumor around my circle of friends was that Gregg was going to show up and sing…I got there early and just to the side of the stage was an organ…..I took up residence there from the start and sure enough Gregg came out and sang Stormy Monday….I got to shake his hand….A very big deal for me…..

  52. ann mccaskey
    ann mccaskey says:

    The absolute most talented musicians of all time, I’ve been following you from the start, my kids love you and now I have my grandkids listening to you and enjoying your epic shows!

  53. Gary Raines
    Gary Raines says:

    As a teenager I heard “Ramblin’ Man” on the radio and I loved it…. went out and bought Brothers and Sisters. I was hooked. In 1975 I went to my first concert at the stadium in Kansas City. The stadium filled up and a cloud of smoke rose from the arena. Then my favorite band hit the stage …The Allman Brothers. It was incredible. Truly a life changing spiritual experience. I’ve seen the band multiple times since then and own many albums. From the blues to country to improvisation these folks are musical genius!!!!

  54. AtlBarb
    AtlBarb says:

    I am one of the most dedicated Allman Brothers Band fan. I plan my vacations around ABB shows, I’ve gone to every Wanee Fest, been to the Beacon over 10 times and have seen them all over the US. I have been a member of GABBA, Georgia Allman Brothers Band Association, for years now and used to be the secretary and planned many wonderful GABBAfests. Looking forward to yet another book about the best band in the land.

  55. John G. Longfellow
    John G. Longfellow says:

    I have been a fan since 1969. I saw the original lineup at Ludlows Garage three times. I am from Indiana about two hours from Cincinnati and my cousin had turned me on to the Brothers. Their music has been the sound track to my life ever since! Fillmore East is the greatest live usic ever recorded!

  56. Richard Howard
    Richard Howard says:

    One of my first concerts was the Allman Brothers at the Louisville Gardens 1979, life changing experience. I know so many musicians who have been inspired by the ABB! Truly pioneers in their trade, unmatched talent!

  57. Betty Watsurname
    Betty Watsurname says:

    When I need a feel good moment – I throw on all the old Allman Bros music, crank up the stereo and dance and sing away!!

    I would love to read all about their history!!! I read “Midnight Rider” and marked all my favorite stories!

    And the Road Goes On Forever . . .

    xo xo xo

  58. Wayne Duke
    Wayne Duke says:

    I saw the Allman Joys at the Oporto Armory when I was about 12 and was ae to follow them l over the Eastern United States. I have no
    Idea how many times I have seen the Brothers. They also lived down and across from us in Atlanta in 1970’s. If I had only known? Met Gregg last year and was able to share about my 19 year old liver transplant with him. Very real and nice man. They have defiantly influenced my life in many ways!!!

  59. janine louie
    janine louie says:

    I wrote this last week while reflecting on my time/life with the ABB and this is my story

    Now that the news of my beloved Allman Brothers Bands upcoming retirement has sunk in, I’m trying to come to terms with it. For those that know me personally, you also know I like to express myself in written words rather than spoken. So here goes.

    I felt this was coming. There was always that clock ticking. And at some point I needed to be realistic. Nothing can go on forever. There were many times I thought I might welcome the end. For it was becoming increasingly intolerable to many in my circles. Seeing the rolling eyes, or watching the disbelief in people’s faces with regard to the amount of times I can do this. Be careful what you wish for right? Here I am. This is the year. This is the final March. The final days that I will be taken to a place that I hold so sacred. It may be a year away, but for me it’s only days. March is coming in a few short weeks. Then, more than half will be gone.

    Truth is I never ever dreamed I’d be this attached. True, I’ve been seeing them since I’m 17. 33 years is a long time. But music has always been a huge part of me. There is nothing like a live show. The ability to dance or sing along, the social part of being with others that enjoy the same. It’s something that I love to do and will continue to do for the rest of my life. But this, The Allman Brothers Band, not just one of them, but all of them together is something that can’t be replaced for me. There is nothing that compares to it.

    So I’ve spent some time analyzing why. I look back and try to pinpoint the moment I knew that there was nothing else like this. It was sometime in the 90’s. While I’d seen them plenty of times prior to that, I think when I met my husband, and he was such a lover of music and it had an importance in his life, I too wanted to share my love of a band that was important to me. His taste was wide and his knowledge of who he liked and why was impressive. We even overlapped on some. But, I too had much knowledge of a band. In this case, one that he was not familiar with. So there it began. Ron and I would attend many shows together and he would indulge my love of them. Traveling and attending shows where ever possible. To this day when people ask him about it, he says “I knew it going in”. I don’t think he knew it in its current form, because even I didn’t know it. Most would find this over indulging to say the least.

    Then came the year 2000. Nothing prepared me for what I would feel in this next decade. And so with each March, and each tour thereafter I found myself wanting to be there to hear and witness the sights and sounds of The ABB more & more. For this place was the only place that for 2 or 3 hours I completely forgot Autism. Because it doesn’t matter where I am, or what I’m doing, Autism consumes me. Not always in a negative way, just a constant, and that’s okay. But not here! This is a place that gives me renewed strength and hope. Very recently I heard a phrase with regard to music. “you should not want to play it, you should have to play it”. I couldn’t identify with that more. It’s not that I want to see them 15 or 20 times a year because I realize how excessive that is, it’s that I have to.

    I honestly don’t know how I will say goodbye. I know there will always be music that moves me, but none like this so I have to say Thank You. To the band of course and to my husband Ron who while he doesn’t agree he definitely stood by me. #ABB #ALLMANBROTHERSBAND

  60. David Netkowic
    David Netkowic says:

    Best ABB memory was the SBD offered after they played the Warner Theatre in Erie, Pa and being able to hear my cheers being caught by the mics as I was in the second row center!!

  61. Kathy Wilson
    Kathy Wilson says:

    How many times have people said “Seriously?” when I have told them I was going to see The Allman Brothers multiple times when they played Boston area shows three nights in a row? Many, many times. The Allman Brothers Band, whether playing at “Great Woods” or now the Comcast Center in Mansfield MA, the old “Harborlights” now Bank of Boston Pavilion on Boston Harbor, or my personal favorite intimate local theater, the Orpheum Theater (still the Orpheum Theater) in downtown Boston, have been like that comfortable old leather jacket that conjures up many warm memories of many, many, many gritty performances. I have been a fan since the 70s, and no matter what the lineup/configuration of musicians on the stage, it never gets old… Nothing would make me happier than to hear that they could do one final Orpheum run this fall, but at least I have my memories in the form of albums, tapes, CDs, DVDs ticket stubs, guitar picks and t-shirts…

  62. josh
    josh says:

    Its been an awesome 40 years and hopefully someone/band carries on the great music. Good music is hard to come by these days….at least good music with meaning!

  63. Scott Jones
    Scott Jones says:

    I grew up listening to The Allman Brothers. They are one of the pure Blues bands out there. I had the great chance to see them a few years ago when they came to Phoenix. They are an amazing band! This is what music is suppose to sound like!

  64. Richard Howard
    Richard Howard says:

    I can only hope to get a signed copy of this book. To read of the daily lives of the members is very exciting, such a pioneer in a Southern Rock, man did they ever raise the bar, no they made the bar!

  65. Dana Eberz
    Dana Eberz says:

    My husband and I have been Allman Brothers Band fans for a long time. We have traveled both near and far to numerous concerts. When we had our second child, a daughter, the deal was that my husband could name her. We very happily climbed in our car to bring our baby girl home with us — Sweet Little “Elizabeth Reed.” We listened to it repeatedly on the way home as we marveled at our very own in the backseat. 7 years later, she’s still a “Peach.”

  66. Brian T. Boyle
    Brian T. Boyle says:

    I’ve been fortunate enough to have been a Brothers fan since hearing One Way Out in the early 70’s. But since I can’t remember back that far, I’ll have to.share a memory from about 10 or 12 yrs ago. My wife and I had lawn seats at The Meadows in Hartford,Ct for the Brothers and,man was it pouring! People way up behind us were slinging mud pie’s and others were sliding down the sloppy hill we were on. We were ankle deep in mud and just drenched! Now this might sound like a nightmare to some, but truth is it was a GREAT night! The Brothers were bringin it as usual and it turns out I was one of the few folks on that hill who had a dry lighter. As word of this was made known,I was making a whole lotta new friends who’d come up to me asking if I’d light theirs up for them! This went on all night! It was the ‘high point’ of the evening for sure! Funny moment came at the end of the show when I got to the bottom of that hill and began walking on the blacktop. My wife asked why I walking with a limp. Turns out I lost the heel of my right boot in the mud! I was walkin back to the parking lot like Chester from Gunsmoke and,thanks to the good folks I shared my lighter with, (and a few nips that were snuck in), I didnt even know it! Well that’s all I got so, Alan, thanx for the forum and best of luck with the book. I’ll be looking forward to all your shared memories! Brian

    • Becky Urquhart
      Becky Urquhart says:

      Brian, I had a similar experience when we saw them with Skynyrd a few years back. It poured rain (Raleigh NC) and the mud was terrible. I lost my flip flops in the mud and a young man asked if he could help me find it. He pulled 2 shoes out of the mud before finding mine!! It was so funny!! Good memories for sure.

      • Brian T. Boyle
        Brian T. Boyle says:

        Thanks for making me laugh Becky! Wish you guys were around to dig out that heel for me! Those were my favorite boots! Love & Light Brian

  67. Benjamin
    Benjamin says:

    Wanee 2010 the Brothers encored with Whipping Post as most of the crowd began to leave that night. I saw a tunnel to the front and had an epiphany. Thank you ABB.

  68. Brian T. Boyle
    Brian T. Boyle says:

    Btw… wife says I should have mentioned that our daughters are named Jessica and Melissa. So happy Valentines Day to both of our beautifully perfect peaches!

  69. NF
    NF says:

    After Vietnam, my husband and I bought a little house on the south shore of LI. It had a very high tide line in the semibasement apartment. We rented to his buddies. They would blast the music and dance around playing Ramblin Man on air guitar . It always meant the sinks and toilet were backing up! I’d come running down the stairs to tell them to turn down the stereo and they would ramble out into the yard and leave me to clean up the S$&! I hate that song. most times they were in just jeans or boxers, long hair, winter or summer, dancing around playing air guitar to the Allman Brothers. The house got wiped out in Super Storm Sandy.

  70. Riana
    Riana says:

    I cried when i first saw the allman brothers, it’s a moment I’ll never forget. Too have seen them and felt their energy was a privilege and i can’t wait to do it again in August at the poach festival.

  71. Christopher Lyon
    Christopher Lyon says:

    I’ve been an Allman Brothers fan since they started out in Macon, GA. Lived in and around Atlanta from ’69-’79 and fondly remember the free concerts in Piedmont Park. Was at Byron for the 2nd Atlanta Pop Festival and seeing the Brothers there was one of the highlights for this then 15 year old kid. So glad I saw and got to hear Duane and Berry before they departed, always will miss them.

  72. Becky Urquhart
    Becky Urquhart says:

    After loving their music for years, I finally got to see them live at Walnut Creek in Raleigh, NC. It was fantastic. I’ve been back several times and if they come this year, being their last, I will be there. There’s no other band like the Allman Brothers Band.

  73. Miguel Angel
    Miguel Angel says:

    The Allman Brothers Band have been an obsession for me during most part of my life, i even did a tribute show with my band playing the first album and “Brothers & Sisters” completely for one show, imagine the work of those songs just for a show.

    My wife and i went to a trip through the whole south in 2007 (we’re from Spain). We went to Memphis, Nashville, Austin, and obviously to Macon to show our respect to brothers Duane and Berry. Finally we could reach our dream of seeing the band live, it was the Piedmont Park show, which was really amazing. Sincerely i’ve never seen any band sounding better than them.

    Later i had the opportunity of meeting Gregg and showing him my appreciation and gratitude for giving me that wonderful music which will be with me forever.

    Congratulations Alan. I’m really expecting great stories from your book. Can’t wait to have it in my hands.

  74. Lazaro Diaz
    Lazaro Diaz says:

    The Fillmore East was rock promoter Bill Graham’s rock venue on Second Avenue near East 6th Street in the East Village neighborhood of the borough of Manhattan of New York City. It was open from March 8, 1968 to June 27, 1971 and featured some of the biggest acts in rock music at the time. The Fillmore East was a companion to Graham’s I saw the
    he Allman Brothers Band played numerous shows in the South before releasing their debut album, The Allman Brothers Band in 1969 to critical acclaim. It featured future jam standards “Whipping Post” and a 12/8 time slide guitar tour de force “Dreams”. A cult following began to build.
    Idlewild South was released in 1970 to critical success and improved sales. Produced by Tom Dowd it featured the upbeat “Revival” and the moody-but-resolute “Midnight Rider”. After completing the Idlewild South sessions Duane Allman joined Eric Clapton and his ad hoc Derek and the Dominos to record the classic Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs.
    The Allman Brothers’ Cincinnati, Ohio concerts on April 4 & 5, 1970 were recorded and later released (in 1991) as Live at Ludlow Garage. This album features a 44-minute version of “Mountain Jam,” which sounds different compared to the version of this song recorded at the Fillmore East one year later.
    1971 saw the release of a live album, At Fillmore East, recorded on Friday and Saturday March 12 and March 13 of that year at the legendary rock venue the Fillmore East. The album was another huge hit. Rolling Stone listed At Fillmore East as number 49 on of The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.[9] It showcased the band’s mix of jazz, classical music, hard rock, and blues, with arrangements propelled by Duane’s and Betts’ dual lead guitars, Oakley’s long, melodic “third guitar” bass runs, the rhythm section’s pervasively percussive yet dynamically flexible foundation, and Gregg Allman’s gritty Ray Charles-like vocals and piano/organ play which all completed the band’s wall of sound. The rendering of Blind Willie McTell’s “Statesboro Blues” was a straight-ahead opener, the powerful “Whipping Post” (with its famous 11/4 bass opening) became the standard for an epic jam that never lost interest, while the ethereal-to-furious “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed” invit

  75. Pete
    Pete says:

    Alan, Just finished the ibook version of “one way out” great reading, brought back some great old memories of the founding members of ABB, and the remarkable history of the band!
    Finished the book today, March 26 2014, the 45th anniversary of ABB’s 1st rehearsal, noted from your book!, reading the book was going to be my prologue to the March 28 show at the Beacon, which unfortunately has been postponed due to Greg’s bronchitis, how is he is? and do you know when these last 4 concerts will be played. Thanks for your hard work, the book is awesome!!


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