Entries by AlanPaul

Torture did not lead us to OSL

No doubt, Andrew Sullivan of The Daily Dish can be a bit of a blowhard and I sometimes vehemently disagree with him. But I also think he’s a great writer filled with passion, and who expresses himself clearly and eloquently. so when I agree with him, I love to read his posts, because they express […]


Making dumplings

Learning to make dumplings with the great Hou Ayi in Beijing. I get hungry and sentimental watching this. I’m glad that more people are picking up on the passion for food displayed throughout Big in China. It was certainly a big part of my experience in Beijing and looms large in so many of my […]

Game of Thrones and the real Royal Family

I’ve been enjoying HBO’s Game of Thrones quite a bit.Rob sheffield at Rolling Stone explains it pretty simply here: Beheadings and breasts are a tough combination to beat. IN the wake of the Royal Wedding, Dr. Science has a great post comparing the real royal family to the Game of Thrones bunch. This is pretty […]


The China Daily is bullish on Big In China

“Big in China vividly conveys the open-ended, chaotic, wonder and possibility of being a foreigner in today’s China. Alan Paul’s evolution from expat-village ‘trailing spouse’ to star of the Chinese music scene stands for countless similar developments underway in China now. I hope many people read this book — and at least consider a similar […]