About AlanPaul
Alan Paul is the author of the New York Times bestseller One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band and the acclaimed memoir Big in China. He is also a singer and guitarist who fronts the Big in China band and Friends of the Brothers, the premier tribute to the Allman Brothers Band.
Entries by AlanPaul
Torture did not lead us to OSL
No doubt, Andrew Sullivan of The Daily Dish can be a bit of a blowhard and I sometimes vehemently disagree with him. But I also think he’s a great writer filled with passion, and who expresses himself clearly and eloquently. so when I agree with him, I love to read his posts, because they express […]
Pete Hamill on OSL, 9/11, the WSJ and more…
There’s a really interesting interview with journalist and author Pete Hamill on the Atlantic.com, which I highly recommend. Among other things, he talks at length about 9/11 and his reporting of it, why the death of Osama Bin Laden can’t bring “closure” — a term I have always hated, and his views on newspapers , […]
Ah, the good old days – Jet Lag division
And here’s one for old time’s sake. Since Big In China came out — and really since we moved to China, way back in 2005 — people have asked about the travel with the kids and how we dealt with jet lag. I even have a chapter in the book that at least begins to […]
Making dumplings
Learning to make dumplings with the great Hou Ayi in Beijing. I get hungry and sentimental watching this. I’m glad that more people are picking up on the passion for food displayed throughout Big in China. It was certainly a big part of my experience in Beijing and looms large in so many of my […]
Warren Haynes on Man in Motion – and Big In China
Warren Haynes has probably been my most frequent writing subject. I have interviewed him more times for Guitar World than I could possibly count. The first time was in 1989 when he was a new member of the Allman Brothers Band. I was hired as the Guitar World Managing Editor in 1991 and Warren […]
Big In China about the Book Video
It just seemed like time to repost this video.I need another push here. If you have not purchased or checked out Big in China on Amazon yet, please click on over. Thanks.
Game of Thrones and the real Royal Family
I’ve been enjoying HBO’s Game of Thrones quite a bit.Rob sheffield at Rolling Stone explains it pretty simply here: Beheadings and breasts are a tough combination to beat. IN the wake of the Royal Wedding, Dr. Science has a great post comparing the real royal family to the Game of Thrones bunch. This is pretty […]
The China Daily is bullish on Big In China
“Big in China vividly conveys the open-ended, chaotic, wonder and possibility of being a foreigner in today’s China. Alan Paul’s evolution from expat-village ‘trailing spouse’ to star of the Chinese music scene stands for countless similar developments underway in China now. I hope many people read this book — and at least consider a similar […]