RIP Gregg Allman
This is just a very sad day Really just a very hard day. Thank you for all your thoughts and notes. My personal loss is a tiny fragment of the big picture. It's a giant loss for the community, for music and, of course, for Gregg's family.

Gregg Allman on supporting the home team
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I've been going through my archives and interviews conducted for One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band and pulling out some great pieces and…

Gregg Allman’s tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.
Every year on MLK Day I share "God Rest His Soul," Gregg Allman's beautiful tribute to Dr. King, which he wrote and recorded in 1968, shortly after the assassination.
Gregg Allman wrote this song for Dr. King but it was never on…

Gregg Allman “Come & Go Blues” Story and Video
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Gregg Allman cancels City Winery shows – his band will play on
UPDATE: All of the dates through thew winter have been cancelled and most rescheduled. Get well Gregg.This was way more than just a single run of shows.
As first reported by Adam Zagoria on Zag's Blog... sad news.

Gregg Allman announces winter dates
UPDATE: All of the dates listed below have been cancelled and most rescheduled. Get well Gregg. Seeing all of these listed and realizing the scope of the cancellation is scary.
Gregg Allman has announced a winter tour. He'll have…

Gregg Allman returns to the stage
Last night at Red Rocks Gregg Allman returned tot he stage for the first time since cancelling a number of shows after being hospitalized with pneumonia. He played an abbreviated acoustic set with guitarist Scott Sharrard. It was part of…

Gregg Allman joins Tedeschi Trucks for One Way Out
Gregg joined the Tedeschi Trucks Band on stage at the Uptown Amphitheatre, Charlotte, NC last night (July 24). Now, this is interesting, because Derek has really kept his distance from the ABB since it ended in 2014. Also happy to see my…

Honoring Dr. King with Gregg Allman’s haunting “God Rest His Soul”
Please pause to remember Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) today.
Today is the 30th time that we as a nation have taken a day off to officially celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. anyone my age or older…

Interview with Gregg Allman Band guitarist Scott Sharrard
My Gregg Allman Wall Street Journal interview kicked up a lot of dust because of what he said about Dickey Betts: "I would love to play with him again." You probably already saw all that.
The reason for the interview was Gregg's excellent new…